1 私は、会合に遅れた理由を言いました。
2 I told him why I was late for the meeting.
3 I explained the reason why I was late for the meeting.
4 I said why I was late to the meeting.
5 私は、逼迫した問題に答える。
6 I will answer pressing questions.
7 I respond to pressing problems.
8 I answer the pressing question.
9 バスは、道路を時速40キロで走ります。
10 The bus runs on the road at 40km/h.
11 The bus travels at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour on the road.
12 The bus runs at 40 km/h on the road.
13 私は、いつも鈴木君と遊びます。
14 I always play with Suzuki-kun.
15 I always play with Suzuki-kun.
16 I always play with Suzuki.
17 みんなで教室の椅子を運びました。
18 We all carried the chairs for the classroom.
19 We carried the chairs in the classroom together.
20 We all carried the classroom chairs.
21 自動車が動く。
22 The car moves.
23 The car is moving.
24 The car moves.
25 素晴らしい発明だ。
26 It's a wonderful invention.
27 It's a fantastic invention.
28 It is a wonderful invention.
29 消火隊が、山火事を消火する。
30 Firefighters extinguish a forest fire.
31 The fire brigade extinguishes a mountain fire.
32 The firefighters put out the forest fire.
33 その人はものを大切にする。
34 That person values things.
35 That person cherishes things.
36 The person takes good care of things.
37 短い紐、長い紐。
38 Short string, long string.
39 Short rope, long rope.
40 Short strings, long strings.
41 彼は、足が速い。
42 He is fast on his feet.
43 He has fast legs.
44 He is fast.
45 生徒が、黒板を見る。
46 Students look at the blackboard.
47 Students look at the blackboard.
48 The student looks at the blackboard.
49 彼はそのお話の登場人物です。
50 He is a character in the story.
51 He is a character in that story.
52 He is a character in the story.
53 鋏を使う仕事。
54 Work that uses scissors.
55 The job of using scissors.
56 Working with scissors.
57 暗い廊下、明るい廊下。
58 Dark hallways, bright hallways.
59 Dark corridor, bright corridor.
60 Dark corridor, light corridor.
61 潜水夫が水深5メートルまで潜る。
62 A diver dives to a depth of 5 meters.
63 Divers dive to a depth of 5 meters.
64 A diver dives to a depth of 5 meters.
65 子供が石を拾う。
66 A child picks up a stone.
67 The child picks up stones.
68 The child picks up a rock.
69 次は、私の番だ。
70 Next, it's my turn.
71 Next is my turn.
72 I'm next.
73 テレビ番組の次回の予告。
74 A preview of the next TV show.
75 A preview of the next TV program.
76 A preview of the next episode of a TV show.
77 狭い場所、広い場所。
78 narrow places, wide places.
79 Small space, large space.
80 A small place, a large place.
81 筆箱。
82 Pencil case.
83 Pencil case.
84 A pencil box.
85 人は、少年の立派な行いに感心した。
86 People were impressed by the boy's fine deeds.
87 People were impressed by the boy's admirable actions.
88 People were impressed by the boy's fine deed.
89 彼女は、プレゼントを受け取る。
90 She receives a present.
91 She receives a present.
92 She accepts the gift.
93 朝の会を始める。
94 Start the morning meeting.
95 Start the morning meeting.
96 Starting the morning meeting.
97 家族に対する思いやり。
98 Consideration for family.
99 Compassion for family.
100 Caring for the family.
101 小さなお店は、子供服の問屋さんです。
102 The small shop is a wholesaler of children's clothing.
103 The small shop is a wholesaler of children's clothes.
104 The small store is a wholesaler of children's clothing.
105 君が好きだ。
106 I like you.
107 I like you.
108 I like you.
109 児童が短パンをはく。
110 Children wear shorts.
111 Children wear shorts.
112 The child puts on shorts.
113 足を速める。
114 Quicken your steps.
115 Speed up your steps.
116 Speeding up their feet.
117 初夏の運動会。
118 Early summer sports day.
119 Early summer sports day.
120 Early summer field day.
121 斎藤君はコンパスを使った。
122 Saito used a compass.
123 Saito used a compass.
124 Saito used a compass.
125 理解できないときは手を動かす。
126 If you don't understand, move your hand.
127 When you don't understand, move your hands.
128 When he couldn't understand, he moved his hands.
129 子供たちは深い・浅いプールで遊んだ。
130 Children played in deep and shallow pools.
131 Children played in a deep and shallow pool.
132 The children played in deep and shallow pools.
133 まな板と包丁
134 cutting board and knife
135 Cutting board and knife.
136 Cutting boards and knives
137 小学生は九九を暗記する。
138 Elementary school students memorize multiplication tables.
139 Elementary school students memorize multiplication tables.
140 Elementary school students memorize the ninety-nine.
141 寝る前に明かりを消す。
142 Turn off the lights before going to bed.
143 Turn off the light before going to bed.
144 Turn off the light before going to bed.
145 お父さんに電話を取り次ぐ。
146 I'll pass the call on to my father.
147 Transfer the call to dad.
148 Taking the phone call to father.
149 広いところ
150 wide place
151 A spacious place.
152 A big place
153 万年筆
154 fountain pen
155 Fountain pen.
156 Fountain pen
157 考えが深まる
158 deepen your thoughts
159 Thoughts deepened.
160 Deepen your thoughts.
161 牧師は答えを問うた。
162 The pastor asked for an answer.
163 The pastor asked for an answer.
164 The pastor asked for answers.
165 鉄板で肉を焼く
166 grill meat on a griddle
167 Grilling meat on an iron plate.
168 Grilling meat on a griddle
169 火が消える
170 fire burns out
171 The fire goes out.
172 the fire goes out
173 その学者はノーベル賞を受賞した。
174 The scholar won the Nobel Prize.
175 That scholar received the Nobel Prize.
176 The scholar won the Nobel Prize.
177 始発の電車に乗る。
178 Get on the first train.
179 Take the first train.
180 I will take the first train.
181 リクルーターが入社試験に受かる
182 Recruiter passes the entrance exam
183 Recruiters pass the entrance exam.
184 The recruiter takes the entrance examination.
185 小学生は有りっ丈の力を出し切った。
186 The elementary school students showed their full potential.
187 Elementary school students exerted maximum effort.
188 The elementary school student gave his all.
189 ペンで漢字を書く習慣
190 The habit of writing kanji with a pen
191 Habit of writing kanji with a pen.
192 The habit of writing Kanji characters with a pen.
193 アサガオの花と葉
194 morning glory flowers and leaves
195 Morning glory flowers and leaves.
196 Morning glory flowers and leaves.
197 老人は腰が曲がっていた。
198 The old man was bent at the waist.
199 The old man had a bent back.
200 The old man was bent at the waist.
201 その人の気持ちを表す。
202 He expresses the feelings of the person.
203 Expressing the person's feelings.
204 Expressing a person's feelings.
205 三学期が始まる
206 Third semester begins
207 The third term begins.
208 The third semester begins
209 月と太陽
210 Moon and sun
211 Moon and sun.
212 The moon and the sun
213 入学式
214 Entrance ceremony
215 Entrance ceremony.
216 The entrance ceremony
217 工員は針金を曲げる。
218 Workers bend wire.
219 Factory workers bend wire.
220 The construction worker bends a wire.
221 有名な人
222 famous person
223 Famous person.
224 Famous people
225 本の表紙
226 book cover
227 Book cover.
228 The cover of a book
229 その人は村のお祭りに参加した。
230 The person participated in the village festival.
231 The person participated in the village festival.
232 The man took part in the village festival.
233 農夫は花を育てる。
234 The farmer grows flowers.
235 The farmer grows flowers.
236 The farmer grows flowers.
237 野球のチーム
238 baseball team
239 Baseball team.
240 The baseball team
241 学生が辞典で調べる。
242 Students look it up in a dictionary.
243 A student looks up in the dictionary.
244 A student looks it up in a dictionary.
245 消防団員は暫く様子を見た。
246 Firefighters watched the situation for a while.
247 Fire brigade members observed the situation for a while.
248 The firefighters looked for a while.
249 学級会
250 class meeting
251 Class meeting
252 Class meeting
253 彼は服装を整える。
254 He arranges his clothes.
255 He tidied up his clothing.
256 He adjusts his clothes.
257 図書館
258 library
259 Library
260 Library
261 記号
262 symbol
263 Symbol
264 Symbols
265 お姉さんがリンゴの皮をむいた。
266 The older sister peeled the apple.
267 The older sister peeled an apple.
268 The elder sister peeled an apple.
269 おじさんが相談にのった。
270 Her uncle came for advice.
271 The uncle gave advice.
272 The uncle consulted with her.
273 少女は小鳥を空に放した。
274 The girl released the bird into the sky.
275 The girl released a bird into the sky.
276 The girl released a little bird into the sky.
277 埼玉県
278 Saitama
279 Saitama Prefecture
280 Saitama Prefecture
281 消防車が放水する。
282 A fire engine sprays water.
283 A fire engine sprayed water.
284 The fire truck discharges water.
285 彼は結婚を申し込む。
286 he proposes marriage.
287 He proposed marriage.
288 He asks her to marry him.
289 今日は機械の調子がいい。
290 The machine is working well today.
291 Today, the machine is working well.
292 The machine is working well today.
293 表と裏
294 front and back
295 Front and back
296 Front and back
297 外野手が球を投げた。
298 The outfielder threw the ball.
299 An outfielder threw the ball.
300 The outfielder threw the ball.
301 準備が整う。
302 It's ready.
303 Preparations are complete.
304 The preparations are made.
305 戦士は矢を放った。
306 The warrior fired an arrow.
307 The warrior shot an arrow.
308 The warrior released an arrow.
309 王様
310 King
311 King
312 King.
313 彼女は思ったことが顔に現れる。
314 Her thoughts appear on her face.
315 Her thoughts showed on her face.
316 What she thinks shows on her face.
317 店主は日曜と祭日は仕事を休む。
318 Shopkeepers take off work on Sundays and holidays.
319 The shop owner takes Sundays and holidays off from work.
320 The owner takes Sundays and holidays off work.
321 作曲家
322 Composer
323 Composer
324 Composer
325 元気よく育つ。
326 Grow well.
327 Grow up energetically.
328 The child grows up healthy.
329 子供は教育を受ける。
330 Children receive an education.
331 Children receive education.
332 The child gets an education.
333 手の皮膚があれる。
334 The skin on my hands becomes irritated.
335 The skin on hands gets rough.
336 The skin of his hands gets chapped.
337 話し相手
338 person to talk to
339 Conversation partner
340 Talker
341 先生は意見を言う。
342 The teacher gives his opinion.
343 The teacher expresses an opinion.
344 The teacher gives his opinion.
345 調理人は小麦粉を練る。
346 The cook kneads the flour.
347 The cook kneads the flour.
348 The cook kneads flour.
349 海の水は、しょっぱい味がする。
350 Sea water tastes salty.
351 The sea water has a salty taste.
352 The water from the sea tastes salty.
353 部員はテニスの練習に励んだ。
354 The club members worked hard at practicing tennis.
355 Club members diligently practiced tennis.
356 The members of the club practiced tennis.
357 病気が治る。
358 I got better.
359 Illness is cured.
360 The illness is cured.
361 体調は時間を調整した。
362 I adjusted my time to maintain my physical condition.
363 Adjusting the physical condition takes time.
364 The physical condition adjusted time.
365 言葉の意味
366 meaning of words
367 Meaning of words
368 Words.
369 よく味わって食べる。
370 Taste and eat well.
371 Enjoy eating slowly.
372 Taste the food well.
373 犬が鎖から離れる。
374 The dog leaves the leash.
375 The dog is off the chain.
376 The dog is off the leash.
377 まったく気にならない。
378 It doesn't bother me at all.
379 Not bothered at all.
380 Not bothered at all.
381 詩人が詩を書く。
382 A poet writes a poem.
383 A poet writes poetry.
384 Poet writes poetry.
385 軽い荷物
386 light luggage
387 Light luggage
388 A light load.
389 老人が病院に行く。
390 An old man goes to the hospital.
391 An elderly person goes to the hospital.
392 An old man goes to the hospital.
393 うれしい気持ち
394 feeling happy
395 Happy feelings
396 A happy feeling
397 昭和生まれ
398 Born in the Showa era
399 Born in the Showa era
400 Born in the Showa era
401 暮らしやすい世の中
402 A world that is easy to live in
403 A comfortable way of life
404 A world that is easy to live in
405 ラジオ放送
406 radio broadcast
407 Radio broadcast
408 Radio broadcast
409 強い打球がホームランになる。
410 A hard hit ball becomes a home run.
411 A strong hit becomes a home run.
412 A strong batted ball becomes a home run.
413 暑い夏
414 hot summer
415 Hot summer
416 Hot summer
417 その家庭は貧乏な生活に苦しむ。
418 The family suffers from a life of poverty.
419 That household struggles with a poor life.
420 The family suffers from poor life.
421 子供が洋服を着る。
422 The child wears clothes.
423 Children wear clothes.
424 A child wears clothes.
425 湖の表面が凍る。
426 The surface of the lake freezes.
427 The surface of the lake freezes.
428 The surface of the lake freezes.
429 生徒とたちは給食を全部食べる。
430 The students eat all their school lunches.
431 Students finish all of their school lunches.
432 The students and their families eat all the school lunch.
433 軽快な身のこなし
434 nimble movements
435 Light and nimble movement
436 Nimble body movements.
437 彼は手紙を送る。
438 he sends a letter.
439 He sends a letter.
440 He sends a letter.
441 息が苦しい
442 It's hard to breathe
443 Breathing is difficult.
444 It's hard to breathe.
445 世界一周の旅
446 Journey around the world
447 Around-the-world trip
448 Around the world trip
449 打者がボールを打つ。
450 The batter hits the ball.
451 A batter hits the ball.
452 The batter hits the ball.
453 暑中見舞いのはがき
454 Summer greetings postcard
455 Midsummer greeting card
456 A postcard in the heat
457 家に着く
458 arrive home
459 Arriving home
460 He arrives home
461 水泳を習う
462 learn to swim
463 Learning to swim
464 Learn to swim
465 約束を守る
466 I keep a promise
467 Keep a promise
468 Keep a promise
469 身長が伸びる
470 grow taller
471 Height grows
472 grow taller
473 隊員は朝八時に集合する。
474 The crew will gather at 8am.
475 Members gather at 8 o'clock in the morning.
476 The team will meet at 8:00 a.m.
477 安全が第一だ。
478 Safety comes first.
479 Safety comes first.
480 Safety comes first.
481 仕事がはかどる。
482 Work progresses.
483 Work goes smoothly.
484 Work gets done.
485 金魚が死ぬ。
486 Goldfish die.
487 A goldfish dies.
488 Goldfish die.
489 温かいご飯
490 warm rice
491 Warm rice
492 Hot meals
493 今度こそうまくいく
494 It'll work this time
495 This time, it will go well.
496 Things will go well this time.
497 インフルエンザが流行する
498 influenza is prevalent
499 Influenza is spreading.
500 The flu will spread.
501 ナポレオン3世
502 Napoleon III
503 Napoleon III
504 Napoleon III
505 決着をつける
506 settle the matter
507 Settle the matter.
508 Settle the score
509 苦いコーヒー
510 bitter coffee
511 Bitter coffee
512 Bitter coffee
513 トイレの水を流す
514 flush the toilet
515 Flush the toilet.
516 Flush the toilet
517 海で泳ぐ
518 swim in the sea
519 Swim in the sea.
520 Swim in the sea
521 全生徒が校庭に集まる。
522 All students gather in the schoolyard.
523 All students gather in the schoolyard.
524 All students gather in the schoolyard.
525 王に仕える
526 serve the king
527 Serve the king.
528 Serve the king
529 交通事故の死者
530 traffic accident fatalities
531 Fatalities in a traffic accident
532 Car accident deaths
533 プールの水温
534 pool water temperature
535 Pool water temperature
536 Pool water temperature
537 客が船に乗る。
538 Passengers board the ship.
539 Passengers board the ship.
540 Guests board a boat.
541 海水を真水に変える装置
542 Device that turns seawater into fresh water
543 Device to turn seawater into fresh water
544 Device to convert seawater into fresh water.
545 研究生が植物の種をまく。
546 A research student sows plant seeds.
547 Researcher sows plant seeds.
548 Research student sows plant seeds.
549 本州と四国を結ぶ橋
550 Bridge connecting Honshu and Shikoku
551 Bridge connecting Honshu and Shikoku
552 Bridge connecting Honshu and Shikoku
553 体重を測る
554 measure your weight
555 Measure weight
556 Weighing people.
557 給仕がお菓子を配る。
558 The waiter hands out sweets.
559 Waiter distributes sweets.
560 A waiter distributes sweets.
561 時計の針が5時を指す。
562 The clock's hands point to 5 o'clock.
563 Clock hands point to 5 o'clock.
564 The hands of a clock point to 5 o'clock.
565 横に並ぶ
566 stand side by side
567 Line up horizontally
568 Line up side by side
569 血液の検査をする
570 do a blood test
571 Blood test
572 Take a blood test.
573 身に着ける
574 to wear
575 Wear on the body
576 put on the clothes
577 苦り切った表情
578 bitter expression
579 A bitter expression
580 A pained look on your face
581 傷から血が流れる
582 blood flows from the wound
583 Blood flows from the wound.
584 Blood flows from a wound.
585 調理人が味噌汁を温める。
586 The cook warms up the miso soup.
587 Cook warms up miso soup.
588 Cook heats miso soup.
589 先生がノートを集める。
590 The teacher collects notes.
591 Teacher collects notebooks.
592 The teacher collects notes.
593 重い本
594 heavy book
595 Heavy book
596 Heavy books
597 親指
598 thumb
599 Thumb
600 Thumbs
601 真実を語る
602 tell the truth
603 Speak the truth.
604 Telling the truth
605 バスに乗車する
606 get on the bus
607 Take a bus ride
608 Boarding the bus.
609 来賓が木を植える。
610 Guests plant trees.
611 Guests plant trees.
612 Guests plant trees.
613 横断歩道
614 pedestrian crossing
615 Crosswalk
616 Crossing the street
617 アルバイトが新聞を配達する。
618 A part-time worker delivers newspapers.
619 Part-time worker delivers newspapers.
620 Part-time worker delivers newspaper.
621 二階の部屋
622 second floor room
623 Room on the second floor
624 Upstairs room
625 緑色のハンカチ
626 green handkerchief
627 Green handkerchief
628 Green handkerchief
629 ハンターは狙いを定める。
630 Hunter takes aim.
631 Hunter takes aim.
632 Hunter takes aim.
633 美しい声
634 Beautiful voice
635 Beautiful voice
636 Beautiful voice
637 返事が返ってくる。
638 A reply comes back.
639 Get a response.
640 A reply comes back.
641 夏休みの宿題
642 summer vacation homework
643 Summer vacation homework
644 Summer homework
645 お皿を重ねる
646 stack the plates
647 Stack the plates
648 Stacking plates
649 車に乗せてもらう
650 get a ride in the car
651 Get a ride in a car
652 Get a ride in the car.
653 商人は約束の場所を指定する。
654 The merchant specifies the location of the appointment.
655 Merchant designates a meeting place.
656 The merchant specifies the appointed place.
657 木が植わっている庭。
658 A garden with trees.
659 Garden with planted trees.
660 A garden with trees.
661 紅茶より緑茶が好きだ。
662 I like green tea more than black tea.
663 Prefer green tea over black tea.
664 I prefer green tea to black tea.
665 美人の先生
666 beautiful teacher
667 Beautiful teacher
668 Beautiful teacher.
669 生徒が本を返す。
670 The student returns the book.
671 Students return books.
672 A student returns a book.
673 サラリーマンが宿に泊まる。
674 An office worker stays at an inn.
675 Salaryman stays at an inn.
676 A businessman stays at an inn.
677 係の人
678 person in charge
679 Person in charge
680 The attendant
681 町の中央にある公園
682 A park in the center of town
683 Central park in the town
684 Park in the center of town.
685 大事な話
686 important story
687 Important conversation
688 Important story
689 都合がいい
690 convenient
691 Convenient timing
692 Convenient
693 人気物
694 Popular item
695 Popular item
696 Popular thing
697 仕事の区切りがつく。
698 I can separate my work.
699 Finish a task at work.
700 A break from work.
701 体調が行く先を決めた。
702 My physical condition decided where I wanted to go.
703 Decide the direction of one's health.
704 My physical condition dictates where I go.
705 お礼を言う
706 say thank you
707 Say thank you
708 Say thank you.
709 旅人が住所を尋ねる。
710 A traveler asks for an address.
711 Traveler asks for an address.
712 A traveler asks for an address.
713 3丁目にあるラーメン店
714 Ramen shop on 3-chome
715 Ramen shop in 3rd block
716 Ramen restaurant on 3rd Street.
717 彼は敵と対決する。
718 He confronts his enemy.
719 He confronts the enemy.
720 He confronts the enemy.
721 ヤギが、子を宿す。
722 A goat gives birth to a child.
723 A goat conceives offspring.
724 A goat bears a kid.
725 PTAが、遠足の日取りを定めた。
726 The PTA set the date for the field trip.
727 The PTA has set the date for the field trip.
728 The PTA set a date for a field trip.
729 それは、学校に関係のある事件だった。
730 It was an incident related to school.
731 It was an incident related to the school.
732 It was a school-related incident.
733 彼女は、都会に住でいる。
734 She lives in the city.
735 She lives in the city.
736 She lives in the city.
737 その家族は、みんなでドライブに出かける。
738 Her family goes for a drive together.
739 The family goes on a drive together.
740 The family goes for a drive together.
741 湿気で板が、反る。
742 The board warps due to moisture.
743 The board warps due to humidity.
744 The boards warp in the humidity.
745 その人は、畑でトマトを。
746 That person is growing tomatoes in the field.
747 That person grows tomatoes in the field.
748 The man is a tomato in the field.
749 金色の折紙。
750 golden origami.
751 Golden origami.
752 Gold folded paper.
753 白波が岸に打ち寄せる。
754 White waves crash onto the shore.
755 White waves crash onto the shore.
756 The white waves crash on the shore.
757 その男は、酒を飲む。
758 The man drinks alcohol.
759 The man drinks alcohol.
760 The man drinks.
761 ビルの屋上のパラボラアンテナ。
762 A parabolic antenna on the roof of a building.
763 A parabolic antenna on the rooftop of the building.
764 A parabolic antenna on the roof of a building.
765 お父さんが、写真を写す。
766 Dad takes a photo.
767 Dad takes a photograph.
768 The father takes a picture.
769 受験生は、年末に実力が付いてくる。
770 Candidates become more capable at the end of the year.
771 Test-takers improve their abilities by the end of the year.
772 The student will be able to get a good result at the end of the year.
773 ボランティアは、困っている人を助ける。
774 Volunteers help people in need.
775 Volunteers help people in need.
776 Volunteers help people in need.
777 精密機械の部品。
778 Precision machine parts.
779 Components of precision machinery.
780 A part of a precision machine.
781 彼女は、悲鳴を上げる。
782 she screams.
783 She screams.
784 She screams.
785 幸運を祈る。
786 Good luck.
787 Praying for luck.
788 Wish her good luck.
789 花の都は、東京だった。
790 The capital of flowers was Tokyo.
791 Tokyo was the capital of flowers.
792 The capital of flowers was Tokyo.
793 その主婦は、田畑を耕す。
794 The housewife plows the fields.
795 The housewife tills the fields.
796 The housewife plows the fields.
797 その人は、気持ちと反対のことを言う。
798 That person says the opposite of what they feel.
799 He says the opposite of what he feels.
800 The person says the opposite of what she feels.
801 私は、友達として助言をする。
802 I give advice as a friend.
803 I offer advice as a friend.
804 I give advice as a friend.
805 ウミウシは、海岸に住む生き物。
806 Sea slugs are creatures that live on the coast.
807 Sea slugs are creatures that live on the coast.
808 A sea slug is a creature that lives on the beach.
809 夜の酒場に人が、集まる。
810 People gather at the bar at night.
811 People gather at the bar at night.
812 People gather at bars at night.
813 梅の実が、なる。
814 The plum fruit grows.
815 Plums bear fruit.
816 Plum blossoms grow.
817 その人は、悲しい知らせを受ける。
818 The person receives sad news.
819 The person receives sad news.
820 The person receives sad news.
821 店頭の豆腐が、品切れだ。
822 Tofu at stores is out of stock.
823 The tofu on the store shelves is sold out.
824 The tofu in the store is out of stock.
825 その夫婦は、幸せな暮らしをする。
826 The couple lives a happy life.
827 The couple lives a happy life.
828 The couple lives a happy life.
829 明日は、始球式だ。
830 Tomorrow is the first pitch ceremony.
831 Tomorrow is the opening pitch.
832 Tomorrow, the first pitch will be thrown.
833 湖上に浮かぶ船。
834 A boat floating on the lake.
835 A boat floats on the lake.
836 The boat on the lake.
837 無線は、電波を通じて話す通信方法です。
838 Radio is a method of communication that uses radio waves.
839 Wireless is a communication method that uses radio waves.
840 Radio is a method of communication in which one speaks through radio waves.
841 先生は標本を手に取ってよく見る。
842 The teacher picks up the specimen and looks at it carefully.
843 The teacher takes a specimen and examines it closely.
844 The teacher picked up the specimen and looked at it closely.
845 ファーブルは、昆虫を研究する。
846 Fabre studies insects.
847 Fabre studies insects.
848 Fabre studies insects.
849 小学生は文章を書く。
850 Elementary school students write sentences.
851 Elementary school students write sentences.
852 Elementary students write sentences.
853 生徒たちは、本を読んだ感想を書く。
854 Students write their impressions after reading the book.
855 Students write their thoughts after reading a book.
856 Students write about what they read.
857 湿気が、ベニヤ板を反らす。
858 Moisture causes the plywood to warp.
859 Humidity warps plywood.
860 Moisture warps the plywood.
861 命が助かる。
862 It saves lives.
863 Lives are saved.
864 A life is saved.
865 その人は、葡萄酒を飲む。
866 The man drinks wine.
867 The person drinks wine.
868 The man drinks wine.
869 ミカンが実る。
870 Mandarin oranges ripen.
871 Oranges bear fruit.
872 Tangerines ripen.
873 彼女は、別れを悲しむ。
874 She is sad about the separation.
875 She mourns the separation.
876 She grieves her farewell.
877 数が等しい。
878 The numbers are equal.
879 The numbers are equal.
880 The numbers are equal.
881 その労働者は、仕事を終える。
882 The worker finishes the job.
883 The worker finishes the job.
884 Its workers finish the job.
885 期待の選手が、強豪チームから一点を先取する。
886 A promising player scores a point ahead of a strong team.
887 The expected player scores one point ahead of the strong team.
888 A promising player takes a point from a strong team.
889 ドアを開ける。
890 open the door.
891 Open the door.
892 The door is opened.
893 炭を焼く。
894 Burn charcoal.
895 Burn charcoal.
896 Charcoal is burned.
897 土木作業員はブルドーザーで地面を平らにならす。
898 Civil engineering workers level the ground with a bulldozer.
899 Civil construction workers flatten the ground with a bulldozer.
900 The earthmover levels the ground with a bulldozer.
901 幸い天気が、良かった。
902 Fortunately, the weather was good.
903 Fortunately, the weather was good.
904 Fortunately, the weather was fine.
905 起立して挨拶する。
906 Stand up and say hello.
907 Stand up and greet.
908 They stand up and greet each other.
909 活躍を期待する。
910 I look forward to your success.
911 Expect them to perform well.
912 We expect them to do a good job.
913 お母さんがジャガイモを油で揚げる。
914 Mom fries potatoes in oil.
915 Mom fries potatoes in oil.
916 A mother fries potatoes in oil.
917 両方の手に持つ。
918 Hold it in both hands.
919 Hold with both hands.
920 She holds them in both hands.
921 お母さんが、車庫に車を入れる。
922 Mom puts the car in the garage.
923 Mom puts the car in the garage.
924 Mother pulls the car into the garage.
925 そのスパーマーケットの商品は値段が比較的安い。
926 The products at the supermarket are relatively cheap.
927 The supermarket's products are relatively cheap.
928 The prices of the goods at that supermarket are relatively cheap.
929 私は、今年の3月で学校が終わる。
930 I will finish school in March of this year.
931 School ends in March this year.
932 I finish school this March.
933 サッカー大会の開会式。
934 Opening ceremony of the soccer tournament.
935 Opening ceremony of the soccer tournament.
936 The opening ceremony of the soccer tournament.
937 石炭を火にくべる。
938 Put the coal on the fire.
939 Burn coal in the fire.
940 Coal is lit on the fire.
941 石油ストーブ。
942 Kerosine stove.
943 Oil stove.
944 Oil stove.
945 平気なふりをする。
946 Pretend you're fine.
947 Pretend to be fine.
948 I pretend to be fine.
949 そのおじいさんは、早く起きる。
950 The old man wakes up early.
951 The old man wakes up early.
952 The old man gets up early.
953 友達を待つ。
954 wait for friends
955 Wait for friends.
956 Waiting for his friends.
957 車の屋根。
958 car roof.
959 Roof of the car.
960 The roof of a car.
961 羊を飼う。
962 keep sheep
963 Raise sheep.
964 Keeping sheep.
965 生徒たちは、一列に並ぶ。
966 The students line up in a line.
967 Students line up in a row.
968 The students line up in single file.
969 職員は、朝八時までに出社する。
970 Employees arrive at work by 8 a.m.
971 Staff members arrive at work by eight in the morning.
972 The staff gets to work by 8:00 a.m.
973 前へ進む。
974 Move forward.
975 Move forward.
976 Moving forward.
977 笛を吹く人。
978 a person who plays a flute.
979 A person playing the flute.
980 A flute player.
981 おばあさんの昔話を聞かせてもらう。
982 Ask your grandmother to tell you an old story.
983 Listen to grandma's old stories.
984 A grandmother tells an old story.
985 北の方向から風が吹く。
986 The wind blows from the north.
987 The wind blows from the north.
988 The wind blows from the north.
989 時代遅れな服装。
990 Outdated clothing.
991 Outdated clothing.
992 Outdated clothing.
993 役員は、その役目を果たす。
994 Officers fulfill their roles.
995 Officers fulfill their duties.
996 The officers do their part.
997 ボールが転がる。
998 The ball rolls.
999 The ball rolls.
1000 The ball rolls.
1001 窓が開く。
1002 The window opens.
1003 The window opens.
1004 Windows open.
1005 平等に扱う。
1006 Treat them equally.
1007 Treat equally.
1008 Equal treatment.
1009 その地方では毎年竜巻が起こる。
1010 Tornadoes occur in that area every year.
1011 Tornadoes occur every year in that region.
1012 Tornadoes happen every year in that region.
1013 チューリップの球根。
1014 tulip bulbs.
1015 Tulip bulbs.
1016 Tulip bulbs.
1017 世代が交代する。
1018 Generations change.
1019 Generations change.
1020 Generations change.
1021 男の子が、木登りをして遊ぶ。
1022 A boy plays and climbs a tree.
1023 The boy plays by climbing trees.
1024 A boy climbs a tree to play.
1025 羊毛の布団。
1026 wool comforter.
1027 Woolen futon.
1028 Wool comforters.
1029 汽笛を鳴らす。
1030 Sound the whistle.
1031 Blow the whistle.
1032 The whistle blows.
1033 生徒たちは、足並みをそろえて行進する。
1034 The students march in unison.
1035 Students march in step.
1036 Students march in step.
1037 右を向く。
1038 Turn to the right.
1039 Turn right.
1040 They turn to the right.
1041 車を運転する。
1042 drive a car
1043 Drive a car.
1044 Driving a car.
1045 水を注ぐ。
1046 Pour water.
1047 Pour water.
1048 Pouring water.
1049 工事中の道路。
1050 Road under construction.
1051 Road under construction.
1052 A road under construction.
1053 セールスマンは、お客さんと駅で待ち合わせる。
1054 The salesman meets the customer at the station.
1055 Salesman meets customers at the station.
1056 A salesman meets his customer at the station.
1057 港に入る船。
1058 A ship entering the port.
1059 Ships enter the harbor.
1060 A ship entering the harbor.
1061 嫌な予感がする。
1062 I have a bad feeling.
1063 Have a bad feeling.
1064 I have a bad feeling.
1065 老夫婦は、イギリス旅行に行く。
1066 An elderly couple goes on a trip to England.
1067 An elderly couple goes on a trip to England.
1068 The old couple is going on a trip to England.
1069 子供が、おもちゃで遊ぶ。
1070 A child plays with toys.
1071 Children play with toys.
1072 A child plays with a toy.
1073 彼女は、友達に代わって走る。
1074 She runs on behalf of her friend.
1075 She runs in place of her friend.
1076 She runs for her friend.
1077 平たい箱。
1078 flat box.
1079 Flat box.
1080 A flat box.
1081 千代紙。
1082 Chiyogami.
1083 Origami.
1084 Chiyogami.
1085 その人は、空港までタクシーで行く。
1086 The person takes a taxi to the airport.
1087 The person takes a taxi to the airport.
1088 The person takes a cab to the airport.
1089 遊園地。
1090 amusement park.
1091 Amusement park.
1092 An amusement park.
1093 向こうの山。
1094 The mountain over there.
1095 The mountain over there.
1096 The mountain over there.
1097 滑って転ぶ。
1098 slip and fall.
1099 Slip and fall.
1100 He slips and falls.
1101 足元に注意する。
1102 Watch your step.
1103 Watch your step.
1104 Watch your step.
1105 柱の太い家。
1106 A house with thick pillars.
1107 A house with thick pillars.
1108 A house with thick pillars.
1109 倍にして返す。
1110 I'll double it and return it.
1111 Double the amount and return it.
1112 Double it and pay it back.
1113 グリム童話。
1114 Grimm Fairy Tales.
1115 Grimm's Fairy Tales.
1116 Grimm's fairy tale.
1117 狐が人間に化ける。
1118 A fox transforms into a human.
1119 A fox disguises itself as a human.
1120 A fox turns into a human.
1121 郵便局へ行く。
1122 Go to the post office.
1123 Go to the post office.
1124 Going to the post office.
1125 受験生は、熱心に勉強する。
1126 Candidates study hard.
1127 Test-takers study diligently.
1128 Students study hard.
1129 他人任せにしない。
1130 Don't leave it up to others.
1131 Don't leave it to others.
1132 They don't leave it to others.
1133 その小学生は、50メートルを8秒で走る。
1134 The elementary school student runs 50 meters in 8 seconds.
1135 The elementary school student runs 50 meters in 8 seconds.
1136 The elementary school student runs 50 meters in 8 seconds.
1137 歯を磨く。
1138 brush her teeth.
1139 Brush teeth.
1140 He brushes his teeth.
1141 じゃんけんに勝つ。
1142 Win rock, paper, scissors.
1143 Win at rock-paper-scissors.
1144 He wins a game of rock-paper-scissors.
1145 机に向かう。
1146 Go to your desk.
1147 Sit at the desk.
1148 He goes to his desk.
1149 私の夢は将来歯科医になることです。
1150 My dream is to become a dentist in the future.
1151 My dream is to become a dentist in the future.
1152 My dream is to become a dentist in the future.
1153 家の前の電柱。
1154 Telephone pole in front of the house.
1155 Utility pole in front of the house.
1156 A telephone pole in front of my house.
1157 狐に化かされる。
1158 Transformed into a fox.
1159 Tricked by a fox.
1160 Being bewitched by a fox.
1161 暴行のチームが、決勝に進出する。
1162 The violent team advances to the finals.
1163 The team of assailants advances to the finals.
1164 The assault team makes it to the finals.
1165 患者が、薬を飲む。
1166 The patient takes the medicine.
1167 The patient takes medicine.
1168 A patient takes a pill.
1169 天気が悪い。
1170 bad weather.
1171 The weather is bad.
1172 The weather is bad.
1173 息を吸う。
1174 take a breath.
1175 Breathe in.
1176 A breath is sucked in.
1177 急な話に戸惑う。
1178 I'm confused by the sudden story.
1179 Be puzzled by sudden news.
1180 Bewildered by a sudden story.
1181 母校のチームが、試合に負ける。
1182 My alma mater's team loses the game.
1183 The alma mater's team loses the game.
1184 The alma mater's team loses a game.
1185 この町は、農業の盛んな町です。
1186 This town is a thriving agricultural town.
1187 This town is a thriving agricultural town.
1188 This town is a prosperous agricultural town.
1189 生徒が、鉛筆を床に落とす。
1190 A student drops a pencil on the floor.
1191 A student drops a pencil on the floor.
1192 The student dropped his pencil on the floor.
1193 流行を追いかける。
1194 Follow trends.
1195 Follow the trend.
1196 Chasing after a fad.
1197 お話の主人公。
1198 The main character of the story.
1199 The protagonist of the story.
1200 The protagonist of the story.
1201 鉄の棒。
1202 iron rod.
1203 Iron rod.
1204 A rod of iron.
1205 セールスマンは、手帳にメモする。
1206 The salesman makes a note in her notebook.
1207 The salesman takes notes in his notebook.
1208 Salesman notes in his notebook.
1209 掃除の道具。
1210 cleaning tools.
1211 Cleaning tools.
1212 Tools for cleaning.
1213 宮殿のような豪華な家。
1214 A luxurious house like a palace.
1215 A luxurious house like a palace.
1216 A palatial, luxurious house.
1217 貝の化石。
1218 shellfish fossils.
1219 Fossilized shell.
1220 A fossilized shell.
1221 勝負を争う。
1222 Compete for victory.
1223 Contend for victory.
1224 Fighting for the game.
1225 急いで逃げる。
1226 Run away quickly.
1227 Hurry and escape.
1228 He hurries away.
1229 顔を向ける。
1230 Turn your face.
1231 Turn your face.
1232 Turn your face.
1233 悪事を働く。
1234 do bad things.
1235 Commit a crime.
1236 Doing evil.
1237 段落を変えて書く。
1238 Write in different paragraphs.
1239 Write with paragraphs changed.
1240 Writing in different paragraphs.
1241 村の主のおじいさん。
1242 The old man who heads the village.
1243 The village chief's grandfather.
1244 The grandfather of the village head.
1245 お宮参り。
1246 Shrine visit.
1247 First shrine visit.
1248 A visit to the shrine.
1249 その人は、薬草を入れたお風呂に入る。
1250 The person takes a bath with medicinal herbs.
1251 The person takes a bath with medicinal herbs.
1252 The man takes a bath with medicinal herbs.
1253 ボールを投げる。
1254 throw a ball.
1255 Throw the ball.
1256 He throws a ball.
1257 そのセールスマンは、商売を始める。
1258 The salesman starts doing business.
1259 The salesman starts a business.
1260 The salesman starts doing business.
1261 豆を食べる。
1262 eat beans.
1263 Eat beans.
1264 He eats beans.
1265 幸福な人生。
1266 happy life.
1267 A happy life.
1268 A happy life.
1269 客の多い店。
1270 A store with many customers.
1271 A busy shop.
1272 The store with many customers.
1273 島まで泳ぐ。
1274 Swim to the island.
1275 Swim to the island.
1276 Swimming to the island.
1277 私は、去年の今頃は海外にいた。
1278 I was overseas this time last year.
1279 Last year at this time, I was abroad.
1280 I was abroad this time last year.
1281 児童は、歩道橋を渡る。
1282 Children cross the pedestrian bridge.
1283 Children cross the pedestrian bridge.
1284 Children cross the footbridge.
1285 鼻がつまる。
1286 My nose is stuffy.
1287 Blocked nose.
1288 Nose is pinched.
1289 主なメンバー。
1290 Main members.
1291 Key members.
1292 The main member.
1293 ライバルを負かす。
1294 Defeat your rivals.
1295 Defeat rivals.
1296 Defeat rivals.
1297 この世を去る。
1298 leave this world.
1299 Pass away.
1300 Leaving this world.
1301 アラビア半島。
1302 Arabian Peninsula.
1303 Arabian Peninsula.
1304 Arabian Peninsula.
1305 見事な投球。
1306 Great pitch.
1307 Impressive pitching.
1308 A brilliant pitch.
1309 豆腐を入れた味噌汁。
1310 Miso soup with tofu.
1311 Miso soup with tofu.
1312 Miso soup with tofu.
1313 命を取り留める。
1314 Save your life.
1315 Save a life.
1316 Survive.
1317 冬の寒い朝。
1318 A cold winter morning.
1319 Cold winter morning.
1320 A cold winter morning.
1321 おばあさんは、湯を沸かす。
1322 Grandma boils water.
1323 Grandma boils water.
1324 An old lady boils water.
1325 氷が解ける。
1326 The ice melts.
1327 Ice melts.
1328 The ice melts.
1329 神様を信じる。
1330 Believe in God.
1331 Believe in God.
1332 Belief in God.
1333 南極の氷山。
1334 Antarctic iceberg.
1335 Iceberg in Antarctica.
1336 An iceberg in Antarctica.
1337 神社に初詣に行く。
1338 Go to a shrine for a New Year's visit.
1339 Visit a shrine for New Year's.
1340 A new year's visit to a shrine.
1341 これは、人命にかかわる一大事だ。
1342 This is a serious matter that affects human life.
1343 This is a matter of life and death.
1344 This is a matter of life and death.
1345 寒風吹きすさぶ北の国。
1346 A northern country where cold winds blow.
1347 Cold winds blow in the northern country.
1348 A cold wind blows in the north.
1349 お父さんが、大豆を栽培する。
1350 My father grows soybeans.
1351 Dad cultivates soybeans.
1352 A father grows soybeans.
1353 流れに身を委ねる。
1354 Surrender yourself to the flow.
1355 Surrender to the flow.
1356 Surrender to the current.
1357 親鳥が雛を育む。
1358 Parent birds raise chicks.
1359 Parent birds raise chicks.
1360 Parent birds nurture their chicks.
1361 古い館
1362 old mansion
1363 Old mansion.
1364 The old house.
1365 全てを知る。
1366 Know everything.
1367 Know everything.
1368 Knowing everything.
1369 スピードが速まる。
1370 The speed increases.
1371 Speed increases.
1372 Speeding up.
1373 他の人に頼む。
1374 Ask someone else.
1375 Ask someone else.
1376 Ask others.
1377 ボールを放る。
1378 release the ball.
1379 Throw the ball.
1380 They release the ball.
1381 二人は、真面目に話をする。
1382 The two talk seriously.
1383 The two have a serious conversation.
1384 They talk seriously.
1385 坂を上る。
1386 Go up the hill.
1387 Climb up the slope.
1388 They go up the hill.