1 圧力が高い。
2 High pressure.
3 Pressure is high.
4 Pressure is high.
5 卒業生が教室へ移動する。
6 Graduates move to their classrooms.
7 Graduates move to the classroom.
8 Graduates move into classrooms.
9 刑事が原因を探す。
10 Detectives search for cause.
11 Detectives search for the cause.
12 Detectives search for the cause.
13 永遠に続く。
14 Lasts forever.
15 Continues forever.
16 It goes on forever.
17 営業時間。
18 business hours.
19 Business hours.
20 Hours of operation.
21 人工衛星。
22 Artificial satellite.
23 Artificial satellite.
24 Satellites.
25 商人が外国と交易する。
26 Merchants trade with foreign countries.
27 Merchants trade with foreign countries.
28 A merchant trades with a foreign country.
29 商人が商売で利益を得る。
30 Merchants make profits from business.
31 Merchants profit from their business.
32 A merchant makes a profit in business.
33 生徒が液体をこぼす。
34 A student spills a liquid.
35 Students spill liquid.
36 A student spills a liquid.
37 役者がオーバーに演技する。
38 The actors overact.
39 Actors overact.
40 An actor overacts.
41 丁寧な応対。
42 Polite response.
43 Polite response.
44 Polite response.
45 生徒は学校と家を往復する。
46 Students commute between school and home.
47 Students commute between school and home.
48 The student goes back and forth between school and home.
49 満開の桜。
50 Cherry tree in full bloom.
51 Cherry blossoms in full bloom.
52 Cherry blossoms in full bloom.
53 団長は周囲を見渡す。
54 The leader looks around.
55 The leader surveys the surroundings.
56 The leader looks around.
57 法案が可決する。
58 The bill is passed.
59 The bill is passed.
60 The bill is passed.
61 女優は仮面をつける。
62 The actress wears a mask.
63 Actresses wear masks.
64 The actress wears a mask.
65 物価があがる。
66 Prices go up.
67 Prices rise.
68 Prices rise.
69 川の河口。
70 mouth of the river.
71 River mouth.
72 The mouth of the river.
73 季節の移り変わり。
74 Change of seasons.
75 Seasonal changes.
76 The seasons change.
77 老人が永い眠りにつく。
78 The old man falls into a long sleep.
79 The elderly peacefully sleep.
80 An old man goes into a long sleep.
81 父は商売を営む。
82 My father runs a business.
83 Father runs a business.
84 A father runs a business.
85 青年は義務を果たす。
86 The young man fulfills his duty.
87 Youth fulfill obligations.
88 A young man does his duty.
89 安易な考え。
90 Easy thinking.
91 Easy thinking.
92 Easy thoughts.
93 ここは仮住まいです。
94 This is a temporary residence.
95 This is a temporary residence.
96 This is a temporary home.
97 河の流れ。
98 river flow.
99 Flow of the river.
100 The flow of a river.
101 それは私の過失です。
102 That's my fault.
103 It's my fault.
104 It is my fault.
105 池をロープで囲う。
106 Surround the pond with a rope.
107 Enclose the pond with a rope.
108 Roping the pond.
109 快適な乗り物。
110 A comfortable vehicle.
111 Comfortable transportation.
112 Comfortable ride.
113 問題は解決した。
114 solved the problem.
115 The problem has been solved.
116 Problem solved.
117 生徒たちはテストに合格する。
118 The students pass the test.
119 Students pass the test.
120 The students pass the test.
121 作業員は確実な作業をする。
122 Workers work reliably.
123 Workers perform tasks reliably.
124 The workers do a reliable job.
125 一度に全額を支払う。
126 Pay the full amount at once.
127 Pay the full amount at once.
128 Paying all at once.
129 雑誌を刊行する。
130 Publish a magazine.
131 Publish a magazine.
132 The magazine is published.
133 日本が世界に誇る新幹線。
134 Japan's world-class Shinkansen.
135 Japan boasts the Shinkansen to the world.
136 Japan's world-class bullet train.
137 牧師は慣例に従う。
138 Pastors follow convention.
139 The pastor follows the custom.
140 The pastor follows convention.
141 肉眼で見える星。
142 Stars visible to the naked eye.
143 Stars visible to the naked eye.
144 Stars visible to the naked eye.
145 優しい問題。
146 A gentle problem.
147 Kind problems.
148 Gentle matter.
149 探検者は目的地を通り過ぎる。
150 The explorer passes by the destination.
151 Explorers pass by the destination.
152 The explorer passes his destination.
153 その男は快く引き受けた。
154 The man happily accepted.
155 The man willingly accepted.
156 The man willingly undertakes the task.
157 受験生は問題を解く。
158 Candidates solve problems.
159 Exam takers solve problems.
160 The examinee solves the problem.
161 体長は方法を確かめる。
162 Check the length of the method.
163 Measure the length of the body.
164 The chief makes sure of the method.
165 額に汗をかく。
166 Sweat on your forehead.
167 Sweat on the forehead.
168 Sweat on the forehead.
169 木の幹。
170 Tree trunk.
171 Tree trunk.
172 The trunk of a tree.
173 転校生は新しいクラスに慣れる。
174 Transfer students get used to their new classes.
175 Transfer students get used to the new class.
176 Transfer students get used to their new class.
177 小学生は基本をしっかり学ぼう。
178 Elementary school students should learn the basics well.
179 Elementary school students should learn the basics well.
180 Elementary school students learn the basics.
181 ボランティアは寄付を募る。
182 Volunteers solicit donations.
183 Volunteers solicit donations.
184 Volunteers collect donations.
185 規則を守ろう。
186 Let's follow the rules.
187 Let's follow the rules.
188 Let's follow the rules.
189 9回裏に逆転する。
190 It turned around in the bottom of the 9th inning.
191 Turn the game around in the bottom of the ninth.
192 The game turns around in the bottom of the ninth inning.
193 永久歯が生えそろう。
194 Permanent teeth are coming in.
195 Permanent teeth come in.
196 Permanent teeth are coming in.
197 旧作は安く借りられます。
198 Older works can be rented cheaply.
199 Older works can be borrowed cheaply.
200 Older films can be rented at a discount.
201 私たちは新居に引っ越しする。
202 we will move to a new house.
203 We are moving to a new house.
204 We move into our new home.
205 家主が利用を許可する。
206 Landlord allows use.
207 The landlord allows the use.
208 Landlord allows us to use it.
209 苦境を乗り越える。
210 Overcome hardships.
211 Overcome adversity.
212 We overcome our predicament.
213 お母さんがケーキを均等に分ける。
214 Mom divides the cake evenly.
215 Mom divides the cake evenly.
216 The mother divides the cake evenly.
217 生徒たちは先生のそばに寄る。
218 The students approach the teacher.
219 Students gather around the teacher.
220 Students move closer to the teacher.
221 子供が逆立ちをする。
222 The child does a handstand.
223 Children do handstands.
224 A child stands on his head.
225 久しぶりの雨。
226 It's been a while since it rained.
227 Long-awaited rain.
228 It rains for the first time in a long time.
229 部屋に人が居る。
230 There are people in the room.
231 There are people in the room.
232 There is someone in the room.
233 間違いを許す。
234 forgive mistakes.
235 Forgive mistakes.
236 I forgive mistakes.
237 境目がない。
238 There are no boundaries.
239 There are no boundaries.
240 There are no boundaries.
241 外出は禁止です。
242 Going out is prohibited.
243 Going out is prohibited.
244 No going out.
245 文句は言いません。
246 I'm not complaining.
247 No complaints.
248 No complaints.
249 群衆は敵に包囲される。
250 The crowd is surrounded by enemies.
251 The crowd is surrounded by enemies.
252 The crowd is surrounded by enemies.
253 看護師は経過を報告する。
254 The nurse reports progress.
255 Nurses report the progress.
256 Nurses will report progress.
257 手は清潔にしましょう。
258 Keep your hands clean.
259 Let's keep our hands clean.
260 Keep your hands clean.
261 大事な事件。
262 An important incident.
263 Important event.
264 An important incident.
265 21世紀。
266 21st century.
267 21st century.
268 21st century.
269 保険に入る。
270 Take out an insurance policy.
271 Join the insurance.
272 Get insurance.
273 整備士が自動車を点検する。
274 A mechanic inspects a car.
275 Mechanics inspect the car.
276 Have a mechanic inspect your vehicle.
277 期限を限定する。
278 Limit the deadline.
279 Set a deadline.
280 Limit deadlines.
281 人口の減少。
282 Decrease in population.
283 Population decline.
284 Decreasing population.
285 ドライバーは事故に注意する。
286 Drivers should be careful of accidents.
287 Drivers should be cautious of accidents.
288 Drivers pay attention to accidents.
289 流れに逆らう。
290 Go against the flow.
291 Go against the flow.
292 Go against the flow.
293 世紀の大発明。
294 The great invention of the century.
295 Great invention of the century.
296 The great invention of the century.
297 静岡を経て名古屋へ行く。
298 Go to Nagoya via Shizuoka.
299 Go through Shizuoka to Nagoya.
300 Going to Nagoya via Shizuoka.
301 登山家は険しい山を登る。
302 Climbers climb steep mountains.
303 Mountaineers climb steep mountains.
304 Mountaineers climb steep mountains.
305 その出来事は我慢の限度を超える。
306 The event is beyond my control.
307 That event exceeds the limit of endurance.
308 The event exceeds the limits of endurance.
309 彼は現実から逃げない。
310 He doesn't run away from reality.
311 He doesn't run away from reality.
312 He does not run away from reality.
313 おなかが減る。
314 I'm hungry.
315 Feel hungry.
316 He gets hungry.
317 運動会の個人競技。
318 Individual competition at sports day.
319 Individual competitions at the sports festival.
320 Individual competitions in athletic events.
321 動物を保護する
322 protect animals
323 Protect animals.
324 Protecting animals.
325 薬の効果。
326 Effect of medicine.
327 Effectiveness of medicine.
328 The effects of medicine.
329 お兄さんは厚い本を読む。
330 My brother reads a thick book.
331 Big brother reads thick books.
332 Brother reads a thick book.
333 開拓者は農地を耕作する。
334 Settlers cultivate the land.
335 Pioneers cultivate farmland.
336 Pioneers cultivate farmland.
337 炭鉱夫は鉱山で働く。
338 Coal miners work in the mines.
339 Miners work in mines.
340 The miner works in the mine.
341 この絵の構図は素晴らしい。
342 The composition of this picture is wonderful.
343 The composition of this painting is wonderful.
344 The composition of this picture is excellent.
345 災害から復興する。
346 Recover from disaster.
347 Recover from disasters.
348 Recovering from a disaster.
349 講義は静かに聞きましょう。
350 Listen to the lecture quietly.
351 Listen quietly to the lecture.
352 Listen to the lecture quietly.
353 道路が混雑する。
354 Roads become congested.
355 The road is congested.
356 The roads will be crowded.
357 検査の結果。
358 Test results.
359 Results of the examination.
360 Inspection results.
361 数に限りはありません。
362 There is no limit to the number.
363 There is no limit to the number.
364 There is no limit to the number.
365 主役が現れる。
366 The main character appears.
367 The protagonist appears.
368 The leading role will appear.
369 風邪薬が効く。
370 Cold medicine works.
371 Cold medicine works.
372 Cold medicine works.
373 農夫が畑を耕す。
374 A farmer plows the field.
375 Farmers plow fields.
376 The farmer plows his field.
377 店を構える。
378 Set up a store.
379 Establish a shop.
380 A store is set up.
381 私は動物に興味があります。
382 I'm interested in animals.
383 I am interested in animals.
384 I am interested in animals.
385 画家が色を混ぜる。
386 A painter mixes colors.
387 The painter mixes colors.
388 The painter mixes colors.
389 友達と再会する。
390 Reuniting with friends.
391 Reunite with friends.
392 I see my friend again.
393 その男は妻子を養う。
394 The man supports his wife and children.
395 The man supports his wife and children.
396 The man takes care of his wife and children.
397 先生がテストを採点する。
398 The teacher grades the test.
399 The teacher grades the test.
400 The teacher grades the test.
401 国際的な人気者。
402 Internationally popular.
403 International celebrity.
404 He is an international favorite.
405 彼の家は不在でした。
406 He was away from home.
407 His house was empty.
408 His house was absent.
409 火事で財産を失う。
410 Losing property in a fire.
411 Lose property in a fire.
412 He lost his property in a fire.
413 被告人は無罪判決を受ける。
414 The accused is acquitted.
415 The defendant is acquitted.
416 The defendant is acquitted.
417 私は雑木林を散歩する。
418 I take a walk through the wooded area.
419 I take a walk in the woods.
420 I take a walk in the thicket.
421 空気中の酸素。
422 oxygen in the air.
423 Oxygen in the air.
424 Oxygen in the air.
425 みんなが彼の意見に賛成した。
426 Everyone agreed with his opinion.
427 Everyone agreed with his opinion.
428 Everyone agreed with him.
429 枝を支える。
430 Support the branches.
431 Support the branches.
432 Support the branch.
433 いつか再び会いましょう。
434 Let's meet again someday.
435 Let's meet again someday.
436 We shall meet again someday.
437 妻と一緒に出かける。
438 Go out with his wife.
439 Go out with my wife.
440 I go out with my wife.
441 標本を採る。
442 Take a specimen.
443 Take a sample.
444 Pick up a specimen.
445 心の在り方。
446 state of mind.
447 State of mind.
448 Be of the mind.
449 罪を償う。
450 Atone for sins.
451 Atone for sins.
452 Atone for his sins.
453 聴衆は彼の意見を支持する。
454 The audience supports his opinion.
455 The audience supports his opinion.
456 The audience supports his opinion.
457 彼女は意志が強い。
458 She has a strong will.
459 She has a strong will.
460 She is strong-willed.
461 夢は医師になることです。
462 Her dream is to become a doctor.
463 The dream is to become a doctor.
464 Her dream is to become a doctor.
465 収集家が資料を集める。
466 Collectors collect materials.
467 Collectors gather materials.
468 A collector gathers materials.
469 犬を飼育する。
470 raise a dog.
471 Raise dogs.
472 He breeds dogs.
473 食品メーカーは食品の原料を標示する。
474 Food manufacturers label food ingredients.
475 Food manufacturers label food ingredients.
476 A food manufacturer marks the ingredients of food.
477 兄弟は似るものです。
478 Brothers are similar.
479 Brothers are similar.
480 Siblings are alike.
481 彼女とは面識があります。
482 I am acquainted with her.
483 I know her.
484 He is acquainted with her.
485 彼は質問に答える。
486 he answers questions.
487 He answers questions.
488 He answers the question.
489 自治体は校舎を建て直した。
490 The local government rebuilt the school building.
491 The local government rebuilt the school building.
492 The municipality rebuilt the school building.
493 私は両親に感謝する。
494 I am grateful to my parents.
495 I am grateful to my parents.
496 I thank my parents.
497 学生は授業を受ける。
498 Students take classes.
499 Students take classes.
500 The student takes the class.
501 その人は友達との仲を修復する。
502 The person mends the relationship with his friends.
503 The person repairs his relationship with friends.
504 The person will mend his/her relationship with his/her friend.
505 私は教師を志す。
506 I aspire to be a teacher.
507 I aspire to be a teacher.
508 I want to be a teacher.
509 犬を飼う。
510 keep a dog
511 Keep a dog.
512 I will get a dog.
513 塾の講師が答えを示す。
514 A cram school instructor provides the answer.
515 The cram school instructor shows the answer.
516 The tutor will show the answer.
517 主語と述語。
518 subject and predicate.
519 Subject and predicate.
520 Subject and predicate.
521 私はけがの手術を受ける。
522 I will undergo surgery for my injury.
523 I undergo surgery for injuries.
524 I am going to have an operation for an injury.
525 明日の準備をする。
526 Prepare for tomorrow.
527 Prepare for tomorrow.
528 Prepare for tomorrow.
529 装飾師が色を混ぜる。
530 Decorator mixes colors.
531 The decorator mixes colors.
532 The decorator mixes colors.
533 順序良く整列する。
534 Arrange in good order.
535 Line up in order.
536 Arrange in order.
537 主催者がパーティーに招待する。
538 The host invites you to the party.
539 The organizer invites to the party.
540 The organizer invites you to the party.
541 メーカーが性能を補償する。
542 Manufacturer guarantees performance.
543 The manufacturer compensates for performance.
544 The manufacturer compensates for performance.
545 市議会が条例を制定する。
546 The city council enacts the ordinance.
547 The city council enacts ordinances.
548 The city council enacts ordinances.
549 状態を保つ。
550 maintain condition.
551 Maintain the condition.
552 Maintain state of the art.
553 常識ある行動。
554 Common sense behavior.
555 Common sense behavior.
556 Act with common sense.
557 情報を集める。
558 Gather information.
559 Gather information.
560 Gather information.
561 組織を設立する。
562 Establish an organization.
563 Establish an organization.
564 Establish an organization.
565 生徒が職員室に呼ばれる。
566 Students are called to the staff room.
567 Students are called to the staff room.
568 A student is called to the staff room.
569 その女性は政治家を目指す。
570 The woman aims to become a politician.
571 The woman aims to be a politician.
572 The woman becomes a politician.
573 形勢が逆転する。
574 The tables are turned.
575 The tide turns.
576 The tables are turned.
577 志の高い人。
578 A person with high aspirations.
579 High-minded person.
580 A person with high aspirations.
581 候補者は意見を述べる。
582 Candidates express their opinions.
583 Candidates express their opinions.
584 The candidate expresses her opinion.
585 彼女は友人を家へ招く。
586 She invites her friend to her house.
587 She invites friends to her house.
588 She invites her friends to her house.
589 常に努力する。
590 always try hard.
591 Always strive.
592 She always tries hard.
593 情けないことになった。
594 It was pathetic.
595 It became pathetic.
596 It was pathetic.
597 布を織る。
598 weave cloth.
599 Weave cloth.
600 Weaving cloth.
601 火の勢いが強い。
602 The force of the fire is strong.
603 The fire's intensity is strong.
604 The fire is strong.
605 搭乗者が乗り越し料金を精算する。
606 The passenger pays the transit fee.
607 Passengers settle excess fare.
608 Passengers settle their boarding fees.
609 お菓子を製造する。
610 Manufacture sweets.
611 Manufacture sweets.
612 Produce snacks.
613 税金を納める。
614 pay taxes.
615 Pay taxes.
616 Pay taxes.
617 責任を持つ。
618 Be responsible.
619 Take responsibility.
620 Holds responsibility.
621 成績が上がる。
622 Your grades will improve.
623 Grades improve.
624 Make the grade.
625 直接会いましょう。
626 Let's meet in person.
627 Let's meet in person.
628 Meet in person.
629 生徒会が規則を設ける。
630 The student council sets the rules.
631 The student council establishes rules.
632 Student council sets rules.
633 喜びをかみしめる。
634 Savor the joy.
635 Savor the joy.
636 Breathe in joy.
637 ショックのあまり気絶する。
638 I faint from shock.
639 Faint from shock.
640 Fainting from shock.
641 隊員が人質を救出する。
642 Soldiers rescue hostages.
643 Team members rescue hostages.
644 The crew rescues a hostage.
645 猫が墓地を通り抜ける。
646 A cat walks through a graveyard.
647 A cat passes through the cemetery.
648 A cat walks through a cemetery.
649 外交員は遠い外国で祖国を思う。
650 Diplomats think about their homeland in faraway countries.
651 Diplomats think of their homeland in distant foreign countries.
652 A diplomat thinks of his homeland in a distant foreign country.
653 彼女はミスを責める。
654 She blames herself for her mistake.
655 She blames herself for the mistake.
656 She blames her mistake.
657 子孫が絶える。
658 Descendants die out.
659 Descendants die out.
660 The descendants cease to exist.
661 素材を生かす。
662 Make the most of the material.
663 Make the most of the materials.
664 The material is kept alive.
665 総理の判断。‘
666 Prime Minister's judgment. ‘
667 Prime minister's decision.
668 The PM's decision. '
669 船を造る。
670 build a ship
671 Build a ship.
672 Building a ship.
673 旅行客はお寺で仏像を見る。
674 Tourists see Buddha statues at temples.
675 Travelers see Buddhist statues at the temple.
676 Tourists see Buddhist statues at a temple.
677 川の水が増水する。
678 The water in the river increases.
679 River water rises.
680 River water rises.
681 容積を測定する。
682 Measure volume.
683 Measure volume.
684 Volume is measured.
685 子供たちは団体に所属する。
686 Children belong to groups.
687 Children belong to groups.
688 Children belong to a group.
689 能率的に勉強しよう。
690 Let's study efficiently.
691 Let's study efficiently.
692 Let's study actively.
693 ガラスが破損する。
694 The glass will be damaged.
695 Glass breaks.
696 Glass breaks.
697 喜劇のように滑稽な出来事。
698 A comical incident.
699 An event as comical as a comedy.
700 A comically funny event.
701 お金を貸す。
702 Lend money.
703 Lend money.
704 Lending money.
705 態度が悪い。
706 A bad attitude.
707 Bad attitude.
708 Bad attitude.
709 私は提案を断る。
710 I decline the proposal.
711 I decline the proposal.
712 I refuse the proposal.
713 父が家を新築する。
714 My father is building a new house.
715 Father builds a new house.
716 Father builds a new house.
717 相談員は弟の主張を聞く。
718 The counselor listens to his younger brother's argument.
719 The counselor listens to his brother's argument.
720 The counselor hears my brother's claim.
721 子孫を絶やす。
722 Kill off your descendants.
723 Let the descendants die out.
724 He will end his offspring.
725 体重が増す。
726 I gain weight.
727 Weight increases.
728 I gain weight.
729 車の速度を測る
730 measure car speed
731 Measure the speed of the car.
732 I measure the speed of my car.
733 子供たちを率いて遠足です。
734 Lead the children on a field trip.
735 It's a picnic with children.
736 Leads children on a field trip.
737 命を救う。
738 Save lives.
739 Save lives.
740 Save lives.
741 新しい未来を築く。
742 Build a new future.
743 Build a new future.
744 Build a new future.
745 候補人は意見を主張する。
746 Candidates state their opinions.
747 Candidates assert their opinions.
748 Candidates assert their opinions.
749 PTAが遠足の日程を決める。
750 The PTA will decide on the field trip dates.
751 The PTA decides the schedule for the field trip.
752 The PTA sets the field trip schedule.
753 生徒たちは学校の伝統を守る。
754 Students uphold school traditions.
755 Students uphold the school's traditions.
756 Students uphold school traditions.
757 オリンピックの銅メダル。
758 Olympic bronze medal.
759 Olympic bronze medal.
760 Olympic bronze medals.
761 厳しく指導する。
762 Give strict guidance.
763 Strictly instruct.
764 Strict instruction.
765 車が停止する。
766 The car stops.
767 The car stops.
768 Cars come to a halt.
769 算数の授業。
770 Arithmetic lesson.
771 Math class.
772 Math lessons.
773 大人になって独立する。
774 Grow up and become independent.
775 Become independent as an adult.
776 Growing up and becoming independent.
777 仕事を任せる。
778 Delegate work.
779 Delegate the work.
780 Delegating work.
781 自動車の燃料を入れる。
782 Add fuel to your car.
783 Fill up the car's fuel.
784 Fueling the car.
785 紙が破れる。
786 The paper will tear.
787 Paper tears.
788 Tearing paper.
789 町内会の防犯運動。
790 Neighborhood association crime prevention campaign.
791 Neighborhood watch campaign.
792 Neighborhood association crime prevention campaign.
793 消息を絶つ。
794 disappear.
795 Cut off communication.
796 Disappear.
797 受験生は勉強時間を増やす。
798 Candidates will increase their study time.
799 Exam takers increase study time.
800 Students increase their study time.
801 登山家はテントを張る。
802 Climbers set up tents.
803 The mountaineer sets up a tent.
804 Mountain climbers pitch tents.
805 牧師は正しい道に導く。
806 A pastor guides you on the right path.
807 The pastor guides to the right path.
808 The pastor will lead you to the right path.
809 独りぼっち。
810 alone.
811 Alone.
812 Alone.
813 彼は公会堂でコンサートを開く。
814 He holds a concert at the public hall.
815 He holds a concert at the auditorium.
816 He gives a concert in a public hall.
817 版画を刷る。
818 Print a print.
819 Print woodblock prints.
820 He prints prints.
821 大きさに比例する。
822 proportional to size.
823 Proportional to size.
824 Proportionate to the size.
825 肥満は健康に悪い。
826 Obesity is bad for your health.
827 Obesity is bad for health.
828 Obesity is bad for your health.
829 非常口へ急ぐ。
830 Hurry to the emergency exit.
831 Hurry to the emergency exit.
832 Hurry to the emergency exit.
833 学校の備品は大切に。
834 Take care of school supplies.
835 Handle school supplies with care.
836 Take good care of school equipment.
837 典型的な例。
838 A typical example.
839 Typical example.
840 Typical example.
841 評判の良いお店。
842 A shop with a good reputation.
843 Well-reputed shop.
844 A store with a good reputation.
845 粉末ジュース。
846 powdered juice.
847 Powdered juice.
848 Powdered juice.
849 おかあさんが赤ちゃんに毛布を掛けてやる。
850 The mother puts a blanket over the baby.
851 Mom tucks a blanket around the baby.
852 Mom puts a blanket on the baby.
853 お母さんは主婦です。
854 My mother is a housewife.
855 Mom is a homemaker.
856 Mother is a housewife.
857 学問の知識。
858 Academic knowledge.
859 Knowledge of academic studies.
860 Academic knowledge.
861 江戸の武士。
862 Samurai of Edo.
863 Samurai of Edo.
864 Edo samurai.
865 宿題が増える。
866 More homework.
867 Homework increases.
868 More homework.
869 安く買って得をする。
870 Buy cheap and make a profit.
871 Buy cheaply and profit.
872 Buy cheap and gain.
873 農夫は畑に肥をまく。
874 The farmer sows fertilizer on the field.
875 Farmers spread manure in the fields.
876 Farmers sow manure in the fields.
877 住民は災害に備える。
878 Residents prepare for disaster.
879 Residents prepare for disasters.
880 Residents prepare for disasters.
881 船乗りたちは太平洋を航海する。
882 Sailors sail the Pacific Ocean.
883 Sailors navigate the Pacific Ocean.
884 Sailors sail the Pacific Ocean.
885 貧しい暮らし。
886 poor life.
887 Poor living.
888 Poor living.
889 費用がかさむ。
890 It's expensive.
891 Expenses accumulate.
892 Expenses are high.
893 洋服の原型を作る。
894 Make prototypes of clothes.
895 Create the prototype of clothing.
896 Clothing prototypes are made.
897 戦いを前に武者震いがする。
898 A warrior trembles before a battle.
899 Shiver with fear before battle.
900 Warriors tremble before a battle.
901 学生が絵画を複製する。
902 Students copy paintings.
903 Students replicate paintings.
904 Students reproduce paintings.
905 知らぬが仏。
906 Not knowing is Buddha.
907 Ignorance is bliss.
908 Ignorance is bliss.
909 子供が留守番をする。
910 The child stays at home.
911 Children stay home alone.
912 Children stay at home.
913 子供たちが墓場で肝試しをする。
914 Children test their mettle at the graveyard.
915 Children play hide and seek in the graveyard.
916 Children try out their courage in a graveyard.
917 今年は米が豊作だ。
918 This year there is a good harvest of rice.
919 This year, there is a good harvest of rice.
920 A good harvest of rice this year.
921 毒をもった蛇。
922 A poisonous snake.
923 A snake with poison.
924 Poisonous snakes.
925 貿易の自由化。
926 Trade liberalization.
927 Free trade.
928 Trade liberalization.
929 台風による暴風雨。
930 Storm caused by a typhoon.
931 Storm caused by a typhoon.
932 Typhoon storms.
933 本日の業務は終わりました。
934 Today's work is over.
935 Today's work is finished.
936 Today's business is finished.
937 紙が燃える。
938 Paper burns.
939 Paper burns.
940 Paper burns.
941 丸々と肥えた犬。
942 A fat dog.
943 A chubby dog.
944 Round and fat dog.
945 気品が備わる。
946 It has elegance.
947 Possessing refinement.
948 A grace is installed.
949 新型の車。
950 A new car.
951 New model car.
952 The new car.
953 毛糸でマフラーを編む。
954 Knit a scarf with yarn.
955 Knit a scarf with yarn.
956 Knitting a scarf with woolen yarn.
957 チョークの粉。
958 chalk powder.
959 Chalk dust.
960 Chalk dust.
961 子供が暴れる。
962 The child goes wild.
963 Children misbehave.
964 A child goes wild.
965 彼女は学級委員を務める。
966 She serves as a class representative.
967 She serves as a class representative.
968 She is a class president.
969 子供はゲームに夢中です。
970 Children are obsessed with games.
971 Children are engrossed in the game.
972 The child is absorbed in a game.
973 旅人が道に迷う。
974 A traveler gets lost.
975 Travelers get lost on the road.
976 The traveler gets lost.
977 綿の下着
978 cotton underwear
979 Cotton underwear.
980 Cotton underwear.
981 貿易商が商品を輸出する。
982 Traders export goods.
983 Traders export goods.
984 The trader exports goods.
985 弁解の余地はない。
986 There's no excuse.
987 There is no room for excuse.
988 There is no excuse.
989 航空機の種類。
990 Type of aircraft.
991 Types of aircraft.
992 Types of aircraft.
993 要領良く勉強しよう。
994 Let's study properly.
995 Let's study efficiently.
996 Let's get to the point.
997 いちいちの説明は略する。
998 I will omit the explanation of each one.
999 Skip detailed explanations.
1000 I'll spare you the details.
1001 外国に留学する。
1002 Study abroad.
1003 Study abroad in a foreign country.
1004 Study abroad.
1005 川の水が混ざる。
1006 Mixed with river water.
1007 The waters of the river mix.
1008 River water mixes.
1009 ボタンを留める。
1010 Fasten the button.
1011 Button up your shirt.
1012 Fasten buttons.
1013 医学を修める。
1014 Study medicine.
1015 Study medicine.
1016 Practice medicine.
1017 食べきれずに余す。
1018 I can't eat it all and have some left over.
1019 Leave uneaten.
1020 To have too much to eat.
1021 タンポポの綿毛。
1022 Dandelion fluff.
1023 Dandelion fluff.
1024 Dandelion fluff.
1025 開拓者はやせた土地を肥やす。
1026 Pioneers fertilize poor soil.
1027 Pioneers fertilize barren land.
1028 Pioneers fertilize barren land.
1029 紙くずを燃す。
1030 Burn waste paper.
1031 Burn scraps of paper.
1032 Burning paper scraps.
1033 目に余る振る舞い。
1034 Flagrant behavior.
1035 Behavior that is too much.
1036 Unworthy behavior.
1037 庭木に肥やしをやる。
1038 Fertilize the garden trees.
1039 Fertilize the garden trees.
1040 He fertilizes the garden.
1041 彼が司会を務める。
1042 He will be the host.
1043 He hosts the show.
1044 He is the host.
1045 バスが混んでいる。
1046 The bus is crowded.
1047 The bus is crowded.
1048 The bus is crowded.
1049 選手は期待に応える。
1050 The players meet expectations.
1051 Athletes live up to expectations.
1052 The players live up to expectations.
1053 おじいさんは眼鏡をかける。
1054 The old man wears glasses.
1055 The grandfather wears glasses.
1056 The grandfather wears glasses.
1057 妹が迷子になった。
1058 Her sister got lost.
1059 My little sister got lost.
1060 My sister is lost.
1061 愛を告白する。
1062 Confess your love.
1063 Confess love.
1064 He confesses his love.
1065 息を殺して潜む。
1066 Hold your breath and hide.
1067 Hold your breath and hide.
1068 Hiding under the breath.
1069 留学生が日本の歴史を学ぶ。
1070 International students learn Japanese history.
1071 International students learn Japanese history.
1072 A foreign student learns Japanese history.
1073 良い印象を与える。
1074 Make a good impression.
1075 Give a good impression.
1076 Making a good impression.
1077 選手は賞金を稼ぐ。
1078 Players earn prize money.
1079 Athletes earn prize money.
1080 Athletes earn prize money.
1081 お寺の本堂。
1082 The main hall of the temple.
1083 Main hall of the temple.
1084 The main hall of a temple.
1085 勝利を得る。
1086 get the victory.
1087 Achieve victory.
1088 Winning.
1089 昼休みを告げるチャイム。
1090 A chime announcing lunch break.
1091 Chime announces lunch break.
1092 A chime announcing lunch break.
1093 大きさを比べる。
1094 Compare the sizes.
1095 Compare sizes.
1096 Comparing sizes.
1097 小麦粉。
1098 flour.
1099 Wheat flour.
1100 Flour.
1101 情熱を燃やす。
1102 Burn your passion.
1103 Ignite passion.
1104 Burning passion.
1105 お年玉を貯金する。
1106 Save your New Year's money.
1107 Save New Year's gift money.
1108 Saving New Year's money.
1109 豊かな海の幸。
1110 Rich seafood.
1111 Bounty of the rich sea.
1112 Abundant seafood.
1113 消費税を払う。
1114 pay consumption tax.
1115 Pay consumption tax.
1116 Paying sales tax.
1117 数字を丸で囲む。
1118 Circle the number.
1119 Encircle the numbers.
1120 Circle the numbers.
1121 本を編集する。
1122 Edit the book.
1123 Edit a book.
1124 Edit a book.
1125 猫に小判。
1126 Small size for cats.
1127 Gold coins to a cat.
1128 Cat and koban.
1129 日本の歴史。
1130 History of Japan.
1131 History of Japan.
1132 Japanese history.
1133 貧乏な人。
1134 poor person
1135 Poor people.
1136 Poor people.
1137 火事を防ぐ。
1138 Prevent fires.
1139 Prevent fires.
1140 Preventing fires.
1141 大統領が暗殺される。
1142 The president is assassinated.
1143 The president is assassinated.
1144 President assassinated.
1145 園児たちは動物園で像を見る。
1146 Kindergarteners look at statues at the zoo.
1147 Preschoolers see animals at the zoo.
1148 School children see a statue at the zoo.
1149 アルプス山脈
1150 alps mountains.
1151 The Alps mountain range.
1152 The Alps.