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1 民衆が異議を唱える。
2 The people object.
3 The people raise objections.
4 The people object.
5 病気が遺伝する。
6 The disease is hereditary.
7 Illnesses are hereditary.
8 Disease is inherited.
9 川の流域。
10 river basin.
11 Along the river basin.
12 River basin.
13 神が宇宙を創った。
14 God created the universe.
15 God created the universe.
16 God created the universe.
17 みんなで映画を見る。
18 Let's all watch a movie together.
19 Watching a movie together.
20 Everyone watches a movie.
21 運動会を明日に延期する。
22 The sports day will be postponed until tomorrow.
23 Postponing the sports festival until tomorrow.
24 Postpone the field day to tomorrow.
25 鉄道の沿線。
26 Along the railway line.
27 Along the railway line.
28 Along the railroad line.
29 人々は我先に出口へ急ぐ。
30 People rush to the exit first.
31 People rush to the exit.
32 People are rushing to the exit.
33 胃が痛む。
34 My stomach hurts.
35 Stomach ache.
36 My stomach hurts.
37 キャプテンは地図を拡大してみた。
38 The captain zoomed in on the map.
39 The captain tried enlarging the map.
40 The captain enlarged the map.
41 議会は現状を改革する。
42 Congress will reform the status quo.
43 The parliament reforms the current situation.
44 Congress will reform the status quo.
45 内閣総理大臣。
46 Prime Minister.
47 Prime Minister.
48 The prime minister.
49 会社の株主。
50 Shareholders of the company.
51 Company shareholders.
52 The shareholders of the company.
53 干潮の海。
54 The sea at low tide.
55 The sea at low tide.
56 The low-tide sea.
57 漫画を全巻揃える。
58 Complete collection of manga.
59 Collecting all volumes of a manga.
60 Collecting all the comic books.
61 看護師になる。
62 Become a nurse.
63 Becoming a nurse.
64 Become a nurse.
65 簡単な問題。
66 simple problem.
67 Simple problem.
68 A simple problem.
69 ここは危険な場所です。
70 This is a dangerous place.
71 This is a dangerous place.
72 This is a dangerous place.
73 国によって異なる習慣。
74 Customs that differ from country to country.
75 Customs vary by country.
76 Different customs in different countries.
77 鶴の恩返し。
78 Tsuru's return.
79 The Grateful Crane.
80 The return of the crane.
81 鉄道が遠くへ延びる。
82 Railways extend far away.
83 The railway extends far away.
84 The railroad extends far.
85 先生は川に沿って散歩する。
86 The teacher takes a walk along the river.
87 The teacher takes a walk along the river.
88 The teacher takes a walk along the river.
89 班長の役割。
90 The role of the group leader.
91 The role of the squad leader.
92 The role of the group leader.
93 服を干す。
94 Dry your clothes.
95 Hanging clothes.
96 Drying clothes.
97 ネジを巻く。
98 Wind the screw.
99 Winding a screw.
100 Winding the screws.
101 灰色のネズミ。
102 gray rat.
103 A gray mouse.
104 Gray rat.
105 机の上が乱雑です。
106 My desk is messy.
107 The desk is messy.
108 Cluttered desk.
109 リーダーがコーラスを指揮する。
110 The leader conducts the chorus.
111 The leader conducts the chorus.
112 The leader conducts the chorus.
113 貴重な宝石。
114 A precious gem.
115 Precious gemstones.
116 Precious gems.
117 単純な疑問。
118 A simple question.
119 Simple question.
120 Simple questions.
121 知識を吸収する。
122 Absorb knowledge.
123 Absorbing knowledge.
124 Absorbing knowledge.
125 隊員が物資を供給する。
126 Members provide supplies.
127 The team members supply supplies.
128 Troopers supply supplies.
129 保険師が胸囲を測る。
130 The insurance worker measures your chest circumference.
131 The insurance agent measures the chest circumference.
132 An insurance agent measures chest circumference.
133 生徒たちは夏休みに帰郷する。
134 Students return home for summer vacation.
135 The students return home for summer vacation.
136 Students return home for summer vacation.
137 父は官庁に勤める。
138 My father works in a government office.
139 My father works for the government.
140 Fathers work in government offices.
141 引き締まった筋肉。
142 Toned muscles.
143 Tight muscles.
144 Tight muscles.
145 来場者は延べ1000人でした。
146 There were a total of 1000 visitors.
147 There were a total of 1,000 visitors.
148 There were a total of 1,000 visitors.
149 皿が割れる。
150 The plate breaks.
151 The plate breaks.
152 The plate breaks.
153 腹巻をして寝る。
154 Sleep with a belly band.
155 Sleeping with a belly band.
156 Sleeps with a stomach roll.
157 疑いの目で見る。
158 look at it with suspicion.
159 Looking with suspicion.
160 Doubtful eyes.
161 息を吸う。
162 take a breath.
163 Inhaling.
164 Breathing in.
165 仏壇に供える。
166 Offer it to the Buddhist altar.
167 Offering at the family altar.
168 Offerings at the altar.
169 胸がドキドキする。
170 My heart is pounding.
171 Heart pounding.
172 Heart pounding.
173 通勤電車。
174 Commuting Train.
175 Commuter train.
176 Commuter train.
177 入場券を買う。
178 Buy admission tickets.
179 Buying a ticket.
180 Buying an admission ticket.
181 うちは教師の家系です。
182 We come from a family of teachers.
183 Our family is a lineage of teachers.
184 We are a family of teachers.
185 年上の人には敬語で話そう。
186 Speak respectfully to older people.
187 Let's speak respectfully to elders.
188 Speak to older people in honorifics.
189 劇団の俳優。
190 An actor in a theater company.
191 Actors in a theater company.
192 Actors in a theater company.
193 激しい雨。
194 Heavy rain.
195 Heavy rain.
196 Heavy rain.
197 落とし穴に落ちる。
198 Fall into a pit.
199 Falling into a pitfall.
200 Falling into a pit.
201 工員は蚕の繭から生糸をとる。
202 Workers extract raw silk from silkworm cocoons.
203 Workers extract silk from silkworm cocoons.
204 The workers take raw silk from the cocoons of silkworms.
205 当然の権利。
206 natural right.
207 Inherent rights.
208 A natural right.
209 憲法を樹立する。
210 Establish a constitution.
211 Establishing a constitution.
212 Establish a constitution.
213 温泉の源泉。
214 The source of hot springs.
215 Source of hot springs.
216 The source of hot springs.
217 団体は遠くまで足を延ばす。
218 Groups travel far and wide.
219 The organization extends its reach far.
220 The group will travel far.
221 そこまで私もお供します。
222 I will also accompany you there.
223 I'll accompany you there as well.
224 I will accompany you there.
225 先生を敬う。
226 Respect your teacher.
227 Respecting the teacher.
228 I respect the teacher.
229 先生の言葉に感激する。
230 I am deeply moved by the teacher's words.
231 Moved by the teacher's words.
232 I am impressed by the teacher's words.
233 単語の語源を調べる
234 Find the etymology of a word
235 Researching the origin of words.
236 Look up the etymology of the word.
237 父は厳格な人です。
238 My father is a strict person.
239 My father is a strict person.
240 My father is a strict man.
241 自己流ではいけません。
242 He can't be self-centered.
243 You can't do it your own way.
244 Do not be self-strict.
245 体長は整列して点呼する。
246 Line up and roll call.
247 Line up by height for roll call.
248 The head of the body will line up and call the roll.
249 誤解のないように説明する。
250 Explain so there is no misunderstanding.
251 Explaining to avoid misunderstandings.
252 Explain without misunderstanding.
253 皇后陛下。
254 Her Majesty.
255 Her Majesty the Empress.
256 Empress.
257 親孝行な子供。
258 A filial child.
259 A filial child.
260 A filial child.
261 後白河法皇。
262 Cloistered Emperor Goshirakawa.
263 Retired Emperor Go-Shirakawa.
264 His Imperial Highness Emperor Go-Shirakawa.
265 美しい紅葉。
266 Beautiful autumn leaves.
267 Beautiful autumn leaves.
268 Beautiful autumn leaves.
269 飛行機が降下する。
270 The plane descends.
271 The airplane descends.
272 Airplanes descending.
273 鋼鉄のような肉体。
274 A body like steel.
275 A body like steel.
276 Bodies like steel.
277 今の時刻を教えてください。
278 Please tell me what time it is now.
279 Please tell me the current time.
280 What time is it now?
281 米や麦は穀物です。
282 Rice and wheat are grains.
283 Rice and wheat are grains.
284 Rice and wheat are grains.
285 筋骨たくましい青年。
286 A muscular young man.
287 A sturdy young man.
288 A muscular young man.
289 元気の源。
290 A source of energy.
291 Source of energy.
292 A source of energy.
293 厳しい先生。
294 Strict teacher.
295 A strict teacher.
296 A strict teacher.
297 大声で呼ぶ。
298 call out loud.
299 Calling out loudly.
300 Loud calling.
301 パティーは道を誤る。
302 Patty takes a wrong turn.
303 Patty loses her way.
304 Patti goes the wrong way.
305 彼女は口紅をつける。
306 she puts on her lipstick.
307 She puts on lipstick.
308 She puts on lipstick.
309 バスから降りる。
310 Get off the bus.
311 Getting off the bus.
312 She gets off the bus.
313 ネギを刻む。
314 Chop the green onions.
315 Chopping green onions.
316 She chops green onions.
317 転んで足の骨を折る。
318 He falls and breaks her leg.
319 Falling and breaking a foot bone.
320 She falls and breaks her leg.
321 困難に立ち向かう。
322 face difficulties.
323 Facing difficulties.
324 She faces difficulties.
325 甘い砂糖。
326 sweet sugar.
327 Sweet sugar.
328 Sweet sugar.
329 座高をはかる。
330 Measure your sitting height.
331 Measuring seat height.
332 To measure the height of a seat.
333 宿題を済ます。
334 Finish your homework.
335 Finishing homework.
336 Doing homework.
337 裁判で争う。
338 fight in court.
339 Fighting in court.
340 Fighting in court.
341 災害の対策を練る。
342 Plan disaster preparedness.
343 Devising disaster countermeasures.
344 Plan for a disaster.
345 本を一冊読む。
346 Read a book.
347 Reading one book.
348 Read a book.
349 養蚕業を営む農家。
350 A farmer who runs a sericulture business.
351 Farmers engaged in sericulture.
352 Sericultural farmer.
353 至急連絡してください。
354 Please contact us immediately.
355 Please contact urgently.
356 Please contact me ASAP.
357 授業中の私語は禁止です。
358 Private language during class is prohibited.
359 Talking during class is prohibited.
360 No private conversation during class.
361 肩の荷を下ろす。
362 Take the burden off your shoulders.
363 Taking a load off one's shoulders.
364 Unburden your shoulders.
365 道に迷って困る。
366 I get lost and have trouble.
367 Getting lost and feeling troubled.
368 I can't afford to get lost.
369 さらさらとした砂。
370 Smooth sand.
371 Smooth and fine sand.
372 Sand that is exposed to the elements.
373 借りたお金を返済する。
374 repay borrowed money.
375 Repaying borrowed money.
376 To repay borrowed money.
377 罪を裁く。
378 judge sin.
379 Judging a crime.
380 Judging sin.
381 東京に至る。
382 All the way to Tokyo.
383 Reaching Tokyo.
384 Leading to Tokyo.
385 ここが私の家です。
386 This is my home.
387 This is my house.
388 This is my home.
389 姿勢を正す。
390 Correct your posture.
391 Correcting posture.
392 Correct my posture.
393 視力を検査する。
394 Test your eyesight.
395 Testing eyesight.
396 Test my eyesight.
397 校歌の歌詞を覚える。
398 Memorize the lyrics of the school song.
399 Memorizing the lyrics of the school song.
400 Memorize the words of the school song.
401 学級日誌をつける。
402 Keep a class journal.
403 Keeping a class journal.
404 Keep a class journal.
405 磁石は鉄を引き付ける。
406 Magnets attract iron.
407 Magnets attract iron.
408 Magnets attract iron.
409 ロケットを発射する。
410 fire a rocket.
411 Launching a rocket.
412 Firing rockets.
413 四捨五入。
414 Round off.
415 Rounding to the nearest whole number.
416 Rounding off.
417 縮尺5万分の1の地図。
418 A map with a scale of 1:50,000.
419 A map with a scale of 1:50,000.
420 A map at a scale of 1/50,000.
421 僕らは若い。
422 we are young
423 We are young.
424 We are young.
425 元の場所に収める。
426 Put it back in its original location.
427 Returning to the original place.
428 Putting it back in its original place.
429 世界の様々な宗教。
430 various religions of the world.
431 Various religions of the world.
432 Various religions of the world.
433 雨が降る。
434 It rains.
435 Rain falls.
436 It rains.
437 かすり傷で済む。
438 It's only a scratch.
439 Getting by with a scratch.
440 We get away with a scratch.
441 ごみを捨てる。
442 Throw away the garbage.
443 Throwing away garbage.
444 Throwing out the trash.
445 的を射る。
446 Hit the mark.
447 Hitting the target.
448 Shoot the target.
449 箱の中に収まる。
450 It fits inside the box.
451 Fitting into the box.
452 Fit in a box.
453 就職が決まる。
454 A job is decided.
455 Finding employment.
456 Get a job.
457 民衆の声を聞く。
458 Listen to the voice of the people.
459 Listening to the voice of the people.
460 Hear the people's voice.
461 従来の通り。
462 As usual.
463 As usual.
464 As before.
465 大陸を縦断する。
466 traverse the continent.
467 Crossing the continent.
468 Traverse the continent.
469 快く承知する。
470 I am happy to agree.
471 Agreeing readily.
472 Willing to accept.
473 半熟のゆで卵。
474 Half-boiled eggs.
475 Soft-boiled eggs.
476 Half-boiled eggs.
477 不用品を処分する。
478 Dispose of unnecessary items.
479 Disposing of unwanted items.
480 Dispose of unneeded items.
481 署名を集める。
482 Collect signatures.
483 Collecting signatures.
484 Collect signatures.
485 諸国を旅する。
486 travel to countries.
487 Traveling to various countries.
488 Traveling around the world.
489 対象から除外する。
490 Exclude from target.
491 Excluding from consideration.
492 Exclude from the subject.
493 将来の夢。
494 Dream for the future.
495 Dreams for the future.
496 Dreaming of the future.
497 事故で重傷を負う。
498 Seriously injured in an accident.
499 Sustaining serious injuries in an accident.
500 Severely injured in an accident.
501 私の車が故障した。
502 My car broke down.
503 My car broke down.
504 My car broke down.
505 社長に従う。
506 Follow the president.
507 Following the president.
508 Obey the president.
509 縦に並ぶ。
510 Line up vertically.
511 Standing vertically.
512 Line up vertically.
513 寒さで身が縮まる。
514 The cold makes me shrink.
515 Shrinking in the cold.
516 Shrink in the cold.
517 一部を除く。
518 Excluding some.
519 Except for a part.
520 Excluding some.
521 鏡に映る姿。
522 A reflection in the mirror.
523 Reflecting in the mirror.
524 The reflection in the mirror.
525 液体が蒸発する。
526 The liquid evaporates.
527 Liquid evaporates.
528 Liquid evaporates.
529 糸を針孔に通す。
530 Pass the thread through the needle hole.
531 Thread the needle.
532 Threading a thread through a needle hole.
533 仁義を重んじる。
534 Respect humanity.
535 Valuing righteousness and loyalty.
536 Respecting humanity.
537 垂直の線を引く。
538 Draw a vertical line.
539 Drawing a vertical line.
540 Drawing a vertical line.
541 計画を推進する。
542 Promote the plan.
543 Advancing the plan.
544 Propel the plan.
545 ぶつかる寸前で止まって。
546 Stop right before you hit it.
547 Stopping just before colliding.
548 Stop just before you hit the ground.
549 皿に料理を盛る。
550 Arrange the food on a plate.
551 Plating dishes with food.
552 Put food on a plate.
553 オリンピックの聖火。
554 Olympic torch.
555 Olympic flame.
556 Olympic torch.
557 誠実な人。
558 Sincere person.
559 A sincere person.
560 A person of integrity.
561 タバコを止めると宣言をする。
562 Declare that you will stop smoking.
563 Declaring to quit smoking.
564 Declare that I will stop smoking.
565 私専用の机。
566 My own desk.
567 My own desk.
568 My own desk.
569 友達と温泉に行く。
570 I go to a hot spring with my friends.
571 Going to the hot springs with friends.
572 Going to a spa with friends.
573 ぬるま湯で洗顔する。
574 Wash your face with lukewarm water.
575 Washing the face with lukewarm water.
576 Wash my face with lukewarm water.
577 部下を従える。
578 I can follow my subordinates.
579 Leading subordinates.
580 I follow my subordinates.
581 記録保持者は記録を3秒縮める。
582 The record holder will shorten the record by 3 seconds.
583 Record holders shorten the record by 3 seconds.
584 The record holder shortens the record by 3 seconds.
585 ペロリと舌を出す。
586 Stick out your tongue.
587 Sticking out the tongue.
588 I stick out my tongue.
589 屋根から雨が垂れる。
590 Rain drips from the roof.
591 Rain dripping from the roof.
592 Rain drips from the roof.
593 泉が湧き出る洞穴。
594 A cave where a spring gushes out.
595 A cave where springs gush out.
596 A spring gushes out of a cave.
597 手を洗う。
598 wash hands.
599 Washing hands.
600 Wash your hands.
601 布を染める。
602 dye cloth.
603 Dyeing fabric.
604 Dye the cloth.
605 あの人は善人だ。
606 That person is a good person.
607 That person is a good person.
608 That man is a good man.
609 楽器の演奏。
610 playing musical instruments.
611 Playing a musical instrument.
612 Playing a musical instrument.
613 電車の車窓。
614 train window.
615 View from the train window.
616 A train window.
617 作品を創作する。
618 Create a work.
619 Creating a work.
620 Creating a work of art.
621 品物を包装する。
622 Pack the item.
623 Wrapping goods.
624 Wrapping an item.
625 地層を調べる。
626 Examine the strata.
627 Examining layers of earth.
628 Examining geological strata.
629 機械を操作する。
630 Operate the machine.
631 Operating machinery.
632 Operating a machine.
633 図書館の蔵書。
634 Library collection.
635 Library collection.
636 The books in the library.
637 心臓がドキドキする。
638 My heart is pounding.
639 Heart pounding.
640 My heart is pounding.
641 気になる存在。
642 An worrisome presence.
643 An intriguing presence.
644 I care about them.
645 両親を尊敬する。
646 Respect your parents.
647 Respecting parents.
648 Respecting parents.
649 毛が縮れる。
650 My hair gets frizzy.
651 Hair curls.
652 Hair frizz.
653 学校を早退する。
654 Leave school early.
655 Leaving school early.
656 Leaving school early.
657 色に染まる。
658 dyed in color.
659 Being dyed in color.
660 Dyeing in color.
661 銭湯に行く。
662 Go to a public bath.
663 Going to the public bath.
664 Goes to the public bath.
665 窓を開ける
666 Open the window
667 Opening the window.
668 Open a window.
669 食品を保存する。
670 Preserve food.
671 Preserving food.
672 Preserve food.
673 尊い命。
674 Precious life.
675 Precious life.
676 Precious life.
677 学校から帰宅する。
678 come home from school.
679 Returning home from school.
680 Coming home from school.
681 担当の先生。
682 The teacher in charge.
683 The responsible teacher.
684 Teacher in charge.
685 探検する。
686 explore.
687 Exploring.
688 Explore.
689 今日は妹の誕生日です。
690 Today is her sister's birthday.
691 Today is my sister's birthday.
692 Today is my sister's birthday.
693 石の段を登る。
694 Climb the stone steps.
695 Climbing stone steps.
696 Climbing the stone steps.
697 温暖な地方。
698 A warm region.
699 Warm regions.
700 A warm region.
701 品物の価値。
702 value of the item.
703 Value of goods.
704 Value of goods.
705 飼い主に忠実な犬。
706 A dog that is loyal to its owner.
707 A faithful dog to its owner.
708 Dogs loyal to their owners.
709 著作を発表する。
710 Publish your work.
711 Publishing a work.
712 Publish a work.
713 アルプスの頂上に立つ。
714 Standing on top of the Alps.
715 Standing at the summit of the Alps.
716 Standing on top of the Alps.
717 満潮の海。干潮の海。
718 Sea at high tide. The sea at low tide.
719 High tide. Low tide.
720 The sea at high tide. The sea at low tide.
721 人命を尊ぶ。
722 Respect human life.
723 Valuing human life.
724 Respecting human life.
725 宝物を探す。
726 Look for treasure.
727 Searching for treasures.
728 Searching for treasures.
729 今日は暖かい。
730 It's warm today.
731 Today is warm.
732 It is warm today.
733 物品の値段。
734 price of goods.
735 Price of goods.
736 The price of goods.
737 強敵が現れる。
738 A powerful enemy appears.
739 A formidable enemy appears.
740 A strong enemy appears.
741 潮が引く。
742 The tide goes out.
743 The tide recedes.
744 The tide recedes.
745 バスの運賃。
746 bus fare.
747 Bus fare.
748 Bus fare.
749 苦痛を感じる。
750 I feel pain.
751 Feeling pain.
752 Feel the pain.
753 作品を展示する。
754 Exhibit your work.
755 Exhibiting works.
756 Exhibit the work.
757 検討を重ねる。
758 Repeated consideration.
759 Considering repeatedly.
760 Consideration is repeated.
761 悪党をやっつける。
762 Defeat the bad guys.
763 Defeating villains.
764 Defeat the bad guys.
765 物品を届ける。
766 Deliver goods.
767 Delivering goods.
768 Deliver goods.
769 苦難を乗り越える。
770 Overcome hardships.
771 Overcoming hardships.
772 Overcome hardship.
773 牛乳を飲む。
774 drink milk.
775 Drinking milk.
776 Drinking milk.
777 実力を認める。
778 Recognize your ability.
779 Recognizing ability.
780 Recognizing competence.
781 タンスに収納する。
782 Store it in a drawer.
783 Storing in a chest of drawers.
784 Storing in a wardrobe.
785 優れた頭脳。
786 great brain.
787 Excellent intellect.
788 Superior brains.
789 別の問題が派生してきた。
790 Another problem has arisen.
791 Another problem has arisen.
792 Another problem is derived.
793 ストーブで教室が暖まる。
794 A stove warms the classroom.
795 The classroom warms up with the stove.
796 Warming up the classroom with a stove.
797 山の頂。
798 The top of the mountain.
799 The peak of the mountain.
800 The top of a mountain.
801 頭が痛い。
802 head hurts.
803 My head hurts.
804 My head hurts.
805 荷物が届く。
806 My luggage arrives.
807 Luggage arrives.
808 A package arrives.
809 難しい問題。
810 difficult problem.
811 Difficult problem.
812 Difficult problem.
813 米俵を持ち上げる。
814 Pick up rice bales.
815 Lifting a rice bale.
816 Lifting bales of rice.
817 税金を納める。
818 pay taxes.
819 Paying taxes.
820 Paying taxes.
821 朝の礼拝に出る。
822 Attend morning worship.
823 Attending morning prayers.
824 Attending morning prayer
825 肺におこる病気。
826 A disease that affects the lungs.
827 Diseases of the lungs.
828 Diseases of the lungs
829 山を背景にして写真を撮る。
830 Take a photo with the mountain in the background.
831 Taking a photo with a mountain in the background.
832 Taking a picture with the mountains in the background
833 うわさを否定する。
834 Deny rumors.
835 Denying rumors.
836 Denying rumors.
837 朝から晩まで働く。
838 Work from morning until night.
839 Working from morning till night.
840 Working from morning till night
841 友達を批判する。
842 Criticize your friends.
843 Critiquing friends.
844 Criticizing a friend.
845 秘密を漏らす。
846 divulge secrets.
847 Leaking secrets.
848 Revealing secrets.
849 空腹に耐える。
850 endure hunger.
851 Enduring hunger.
852 Endure hunger.
853 奮起して勉強する。
854 Be inspired and study.
855 Studying diligently.
856 Study hard.
857 ポプラ並木。
858 Row of poplar trees.
859 A row of poplar trees.
860 A row of poplar trees.
861 この店は8時に閉店する。
862 This store closes at 8 o'clock.
863 This store closes at 8 p.m.
864 This store closes at 8:00.
865 部屋を暖める。
866 Warm the room.
867 Warming the room.
868 Warming up the room.
869 腹が痛む。
870 My stomach hurts.
871 Stomach ache.
872 My stomach hurts.
873 神様を拝む。
874 Worship God.
875 Worshipping God.
876 I worship God.
877 馬の背にまたがる。
878 straddle the horse's back.
879 Straddling a horse's back.
880 I straddle the back of a horse.
881 勇気を奮う。
882 Muster up courage.
883 Summoning courage.
884 I muster up my courage.
885 石を並べる。
886 Arrange the stones.
887 Stacking stones.
888 I lay out the stones.
889 ドアが閉じる。
890 The door closes.
891 The door closes.
892 The door closes.
893 片足で立つ。
894 Stand on one leg.
895 Standing on one leg.
896 Stand on one leg.
897 メンバーを補強する。
898 Reinforce members.
899 Reinforcing the team.
900 Reinforcing the members.
901 日が暮れる。
902 Sun set.
903 The sun sets.
904 The sun sets.
905 友達の家を訪問する。
906 Visit a friend's house.
907 Visiting a friend's house.
908 Visiting a friend's house.
909 事故で死亡する。
910 Died in an accident.
911 Dying in an accident.
912 Dying in an accident.
913 人の名前を忘れる。
914 forget people's names.
915 Forgetting someone's name.
916 Forgetting someone's name.
917 棒でたたく。
918 Hit with a stick.
919 Hitting with a stick.
920 Beating with a stick.
921 神の枚数を数える。
922 Count the number of gods.
923 Counting the number of gods.
924 Counting the number of gods
925 学芸会が開幕する。
926 The school performance begins.
927 The school festival opens.
928 Opening of the school play.
929 国連に加盟する。
930 Join the United Nations.
931 Joining the United Nations.
932 Joining the United Nations.
933 飛行機の模型を作る。
934 Make a model of an airplane.
935 Building a model airplane.
936 Build a model airplane.
937 肩を痛める。
938 It hurts my shoulder.
939 Injuring the shoulder.
940 Hurts his shoulder.
941 姉と背比べ。
942 Compare your height with your sister.
943 Comparing heights with older sister.
944 Compete with his sister.
945 戸を閉める。
946 Close the door.
947 Closing the door.
948 Closing the door.
949 不足を補う。
950 make up for the shortage.
951 Making up for a deficiency.
952 Make up for a deficiency.
953 一人で暮らす。
954 live alone.
955 Living alone.
956 Living alone.
957 この人形は私の宝物だ。
958 This doll is my treasure.
959 This doll is my treasure.
960 This doll is my treasure.
961 父の生まれた町を訪ねる。
962 Visit the town where my father was born.
963 Visiting the town where father was born.
964 I visit the town where my father was born.
965 江戸幕府。
966 Edo Shogunate.
967 The Edo Shogunate.
968 The Edo shogunate.
969 大きな規模。
970 big scale.
971 On a large scale.
972 Big scale.
973 英語を通訳する。
974 Interpret English.
975 Interpreting English.
976 Interpreting English.
977 書類を郵送する。
978 Mail the documents.
979 Mailing documents.
980 Mailing documents.
981 大会で優勝する。
982 Win the tournament.
983 Winning in a tournament.
984 Winning a competition.
985 蝉の幼虫。
986 Cicada larva.
987 Cicada nymph.
988 Cicada larvae.
989 預金を下ろす。
990 Withdraw your deposit.
991 Withdrawing money from savings.
992 Withdrawing a deposit.
993 出発は翌日です。
994 Departure is the next day.
995 Departure is the next day.
996 Departure is the next day.
997 足並みが乱れる。
998 The gait is disturbed.
999 The footsteps are out of sync.
1000 Losing your footing.
1001 書類を回覧する。
1002 Circulate documents.
1003 To circulate documents.
1004 Circulate documents.
1005 裏口から入る。
1006 Enter through the back door.
1007 To enter through the back door.
1008 Enter through the back door.
1009 門が閉まる。
1010 The gate closes.
1011 The gate closes.
1012 The gate closes.
1013 失敗した訳を説明する。
1014 Explain why it failed.
1015 To explain the reason for failure.
1016 I explain why I failed.
1017 弟はまだ幼い。
1018 My younger brother is still young.
1019 My younger brother is still a child.
1020 My brother is still young.
1021 チームの足並みを乱す。
1022 Disturbs the team's alignment.
1023 To disrupt the team's rhythm.
1024 Disrupting the team.
1025 規律を守る。
1026 Observe the rules.
1027 To observe discipline.
1028 Maintaining discipline.
1029 臨時ニュース。
1030 Breaking news.
1031 Extraordinary news.
1032 Extraordinary news.
1033 詩を朗読する。
1034 Recite poetry.
1035 To recite poetry.
1036 Reciting poetry.
1037 議論を戦わす。
1038 engage in debate.
1039 To engage in argumentation.
1040 Debate.
1041 相撲の土俵。
1042 Sumo ring.
1043 Sumo ring.
1044 Wrestling ring.
1045 食欲がわく。
1046 I have a good appetite.
1047 To stimulate the appetite.
1048 Appetite.
1049 お金を銀行に預ける。
1050 deposit money in the bank.
1051 To deposit money in the bank.
1052 Depositing money in the bank.
1053 糸を垂らす。
1054 Drop the thread.
1055 To dangle a thread.
1056 Dangling a string.
1057 風船が縮む。
1058 The balloon deflates.
1059 Balloons deflate.
1060 Shrinking balloons.
1061 行いが良い。
1062 Good behavior.
1063 Good behavior.
1064 Good behavior.
1065 大股で5歩退く。
1066 Take five long strides back.
1067 To take five big steps back.
1068 Take five steps backward with a big step.
1069 雪を頂いた山。
1070 Snow-capped mountain.
1071 A mountain covered in snow.
1072 Snow-capped mountains.
1073 危ないと警告する。
1074 Warn that it is dangerous.
1075 To warn of danger.
1076 Warn of danger.
1077 小腸と大腸。
1078 small intestine and large intestine.
1079 Small intestine and large intestine.
1080 Small and large intestines.
1081 話の鈴道を整理する。
1082 Organize the thread of the story.
1083 To organize the flow of conversation.
1084 Organizing the bell road of the story.
1085 誤った字を書く。
1086 write the wrong characters.
1087 To write a wrong character.
1088 Writing incorrect characters.
1089 牛の乳しぼり。
1090 Milking a cow.
1091 Milking a cow.
1092 Cow milking.
1093 胃腸の薬。
1094 Gastrointestinal medicine.
1095 Medicine for the stomach and intestines.
1096 Gastrointestinal medicines.
1097 熟語を覚える。
1098 Learn idioms.
1099 To memorize idioms.
1100 Memorize idioms.
1101 御恩は忘れません。
1102 I will never forget your kindness.
1103 I won't forget your kindness.
1104 I will not forget your kindness.
1105 起承転結。
1106 Beginning, development, turn and conclusion.
1107 Introduction, development, turn, conclusion.
1108 Origination and conclusion.
1109 臨機応変。
1110 Flexible.
1111 To adapt to circumstances.
1112 Resourcefulness.
1113 預金通帳。
1114 Deposit passbook.
1115 Savings account book.
1116 A bankbook.
1117 時計の長針と短針。
1118 The long and short hands of a clock.
1119 Hour and minute hands of a clock.
1120 The long and short hands of a clock.

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