令和の織田信長・坂本龍馬・西郷隆盛・空海こと鬼マムシ澤繁実(さわ しげみ)Shigemi SAWAからの緊急告知

映画 Movie Film

映画 Chameleon カメレオン
Directed by Brillante Mendoza

2023.02.24 撮影開始 Start Shooting

Total coordination of Japanese Style Kimono(WAFUKU, Japanese clothes), hairstyles, hair accessories, gestures, and behavior for movies as a general kimono producer

2023.02.24 クランクイン(撮影開始!)
Crank in (Start Shooting)
 映画「Chameleon カメレオン」 がクランクイン(撮影開始)しました。カンヌ国際映画祭で監督賞を受賞しているブリランテ・メンドーサ(Brillante Mendoza)監督、奥田瑛二さんや空手ガールの武田玲奈さん、YouTubeで約2000万回再生されているフィリピンの役者マリオらと映画撮影を開始し今日もすごいことが起こりつづけています!!これが北海道神宮で撮影した主要メンバーの写真です!世界No1の監督と映画を一緒にやる機会は、相当ないので、もしいっしょにやりたいとか、興味あるかは個別にメッセージください。チャンスが掴めるかどうかは分かりませんが、いっしょに面白いことをやっていきましょう!!
The film "Chameleon" has started shooting. Filming with director Brillante Mendoza, who won the Best Director Award at the Cannes Film Festival, Eiji Okuda, karate girl Rena Takeda, and Filipino actor Mario, who has been viewed about 20 million times on YouTube. , and amazing things continue to happen today! ! This is a picture of the main members taken at Hokkaido Shrine! There aren't many opportunities to do a movie together with the world's No. 1 director, so if you want to work together or if you're interested, please message me individually. I don't know if I can get a chance, but let's do something interesting together! !
Life is yours!
Philippine director Brillante Mendoza's latest work "Chameleon" is scheduled to start shooting in Sapporo, Hokkaido at the end of February 2023, and preparations are underway.

In 2009, director Mendoza became the first Filipino to win the Best Director Award at the Cannes Film Festival with "Kinatai Manila Underground". He has also won awards at numerous film festivals, including the Venice International Film Festival and the Berlin International Film Festival, making him one of Asia's leading directors in the world.

 The latest work "Chameleon" is a story based on a startling true story set in Japan in the 1990s. Marie, a Filipino transgender who works at a nightclub, is drawn into the yakuza underworld after becoming close to Ai, the daughter of a yakuza. Set against the backdrop of her 90s Sapporo nightlife, it charts the difficult decisions she faced and her ups and downs journey to finding her family, love, and finally her true identity.

From Japan, Rina Takeda (“High Kick Girl!”, “Iya Monogatari Oku no Hito”, etc.) will play the heroine, as well as Eiji Okuda (“Bo no Sorrow”), Tsuyoshi Ihara (“Letters from Iwo Jima”), and Shogen. ("Prosthetic leg boxer GENSAN PUNCH") will be appearing. Currently auditioning for a Filipino starring cast.

The screenplay is Troy Espiritu, who won the Best Actress Award at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival, directed by Mendoza, "Martha Has Been Spoken". The executive producer is YOSHI. Produced by Takahiro Yamashita of Yaman Films, Chrisma McLean Fajardo of Center Stage Productions (Philippines) and Fumie Lancaster of SC Films International (UK).

This work, which is co-produced by the Philippines and Japan, is directed by Mendoza once again by the production team of the boxing biopic "Gensan Punch", which won the Kim Ji-suk Award, the highest honor in Asia at the 2021 Busan International Film Festival. something to team up with. "Boxer with a Prosthetic Leg" has been purchased by US HBO as his HBO Asia original for worldwide distribution.

Mendoza said, “When I first heard Marie’s story, I was instantly fascinated by her despairing story, and I knew it had to be made into a film. Whether it is or not, I think it is a story of life that many people can relate to.The story of Marie and Ai delicately unfolds many truths in this work. The truth is that people go beyond gender preferences and sexuality to deeply understand and experience what it means to be human." Aiming for the world premiere around the fall of 2023.

Takeda, who plays the heroine, said, “Director Mendoza’s works are very realistic, and he has the power to fascinate the audience with the time, temperature, and tension that flow in the movie, so I feel a great responsibility. It was the audition that I challenged with the biggest decision and determination in my life as an actor.I had a strong desire to live as Ai, so when I was selected, I felt an invisible "fate." To be honest, it's still hard to put into words how enthusiastic I am, but right now, I can't get my head off thinking about the work every day.I'm deeply touched by Ai's heart. , I want to cherish the life of a human being named Ai,” he said of his thoughts on the work.


Drawn by a legendary director from the Philippines, Asia's No. 1 

監督:Brillante Mendoza(カンヌ最優秀監督賞受賞)1990年代の日本が舞台の実話ベースの物語。
フィリピン人のトランスジェンダーのマリーは、ナイトクラブで働くが、ヤクザの娘と親しくなり、裏社会に引き込まれていく。彼女が直面した決断・家族・愛。そして、本当のアイデンティティとは? 世界の巨匠メンドーサ監督があなたにも、問いかける!人生とは!?

Based on a true story set in 1990s Japan.
Marie, a transgender Filipino, works at a nightclub, but when she befriends the daughter of a yakuza, she is drawn into the underworld. Her decisions, her family, her love she faced. And what is true identity? The world's master director Mendoza will also ask you a question! What is life! ? 


Hokkaido, Sapporo. In this snowy town, Marie, a transgender girl from the Philippines, had a thought. 

・武田梨奈(たけだ りな)さん:
 「KG カラテガール」「ハイキック・ガール!」「祖谷物語 おくのひと」他
・奥田瑛二(おくだ えいじ)さん:
 日本アカデミー優秀主演男優賞「千利休」「64 ロクヨン 前後編」他
・伊原剛志(いはら つよし)さん:
 「半落ち」「硫黄島からの手紙」「BRAVE HEARTS 海猿」「相棒」他

2021年、プサン国際映画祭での最大の栄誉「キム・ジソク賞」を受賞した映画「Gensan Punch 義足のボクサー」のプロデューサー。翌年2022年には同じく釜山国際映画祭で映画「December 赦し」がジソク賞にノミネートされている。その他のプロデュース作品として、ニワトリ★スター 【SMOKIN' ON THE MOON】、ハブと拳骨 【Bloody Snake under the Sun】、風の絨毯 【The Wind Carpet】がある。日本屈指の「龍神使い」であり、日本から世界映画を排出する専門家。山下ドラゴンに巻き込まれてさまざまな人間の人生が昇天していく。

In 2021, the producer of the movie "Gensan Punch " (Prosthetic Boxer), which won the biggest honor "Kim Ji-seok Award" at the Busan International Film Festival. In 2022, his movie "December Forgiveness" was nominated for the Jisuk Award at the Busan International Film Festival. Other productions include [SMOKIN' ON THE MOON], [Bloody Snake under the Sun], and [The Wind Carpet]. One of Japan's leading "Ryujin Tamers" and an expert in producing world-class movies from Japan. Various human lives are ascended by being caught up in Yamashita Dragon. 

