令和の織田信長・坂本龍馬・西郷隆盛・空海こと鬼マムシ澤繁実(さわ しげみ)Shigemi SAWAからの緊急告知

澤繁実(さわ しげみ)



Wear Japanese clothes ”Wafuku", "Kimono" as everyday wear. They can be washed every day, and it's okay to spill soy sauce on them. We can be worn casually like loose socks. "Wafuku and Kimonos" are part of the culture of everyday wear for the common people.

Japanese clothing and Okinawa promotional video

 和服(わふく)着物(きもの)の着方 How to wear a kimono (Japanese clothing) 鬼マムシ澤繁実(さわ しげみ)SacredSerpent Shigemi SAWA

和服(わふく)着物(きもの)の脱ぎ方How to take off Japanese KIMONO, WAFUKU 鬼マムシ澤繁実(さわ しげみ)Sacred Serpent Shigemi SAWA

和服(わふく)着物(きもの)の畳(たた)み方How to fold Japanese KIMONO 鬼マムシ澤繁実(さわ しげみ)Sacred Snake Serpent Shigemi SAWA

和服(わふく)着物(きもの)の脱ぎ方How to take off Japanese 帯(おび)についてAbout Japanese KIMONO tie band OBI 鬼マムシ澤繁実(さわ しげみ)Sacred Snake Serpent Shigemi SAWA

足袋(たび)の履き方How to wear Japanese TABI socks 鬼マムシ澤繁実(さわ しげみ)Sacred Snake Serpent Shigemi SAWA

和服(わふく)着物(きもの)の着方(1分17秒)脱ぎ方(1分30秒) Japanese clothing How to put on KIMONO How to take off  澤繁実(さわ)

和服(わふく)着物(きもの)の着方 脱ぎ方 畳み方Japanese KIMONO, WAFUKUHow to put on, take off and fold clothes ShigemiSAWA

下駄の手入れの仕方 (メンテナンス)
How to take care of GETA(Monster shoes) 

  一本歯の下駄は天狗下駄(てんぐ げた)と呼ばれており、常に竹馬に乗っているような状態で、体幹(たいかん)や脹脛(ふくらはぎ:ハムストリングス)のトレーニングになります。古く、山伏が山岳修験を行う際に、二本歯の下駄では上りにくいため、坂道の傾斜に対応しやすい天狗下駄が用いられるようになりました。現在では小学校などでバランス感覚を養う際のアイテムや、和服を楽しむ際のアクセントとして楽しまれています。

 Single-toothed GETA are called TENGU (Japanese traditional monster) GETA, when you use Tengu GETA, you are like standing on stilts all the time. It's a training of your main stem trunk and calves muscle (hamstrings). In ancient times, when Yamabushi practiced mountain ascetic training, it was difficult to climb up with two-toothed geta, so Tengu geta, which could easily handle the incline of the slope, came to be used. Nowadays, it is enjoyed as an item for cultivating a sense of balance in elementary schools, and as an accent when enjoying Japanese clothing.
