令和の織田信長・坂本龍馬・西郷隆盛・空海こと鬼マムシ澤繁実(さわ しげみ)Shigemi SAWAからの緊急告知

澤繁実(さわ しげみ)BMI ブレインマシーンインターフェース
Shigemi SAWA Brain Machine Interface Development

澤繁実015 脳のメカニズム1 自分と話しているのは自分だけ【チャンネル鬼マムシ(おにまむ)フィロソフィスト】

澤繁実024 脳は推論する機械:知能と創造性の関係【チャンネル鬼マムシ(おにまむ)フィロソフィスト】

澤繁実015 脳のメカニズム1 自分と話しているのは自分だけ【チャンネル鬼マムシ(おにまむ)フィロソフィスト】

澤繁実016 脳のメカニズム2 概念ネットワーク【チャンネル鬼マムシ(おにまむ)フィロソフィスト】

澤繁実017 脳のメカニズム3+BMI 概念とアテンション【チャンネル鬼マムシ(おにまむ)フィロソフィスト】



東京工業大学 総合理工学研究科 知能システム科学専攻で脳内の概念操作に関するモデルの研究を行い、修士を取得




わたくし、澤繁実(さわ しげみ)の人生の目的は、

真のAGI(Artificial General Intelligence)つまり、汎用人工知能とよばれる、ドラえもんや鉄腕アトムのようなものを作り出すことです。




このため、BMI(Brain Machine Interface)を開発し、2025年にわたくしの脳に埋め込んで実験を繰り返すことによりBMI Network Infrastracture (BNI)を作り上げ、以下のことを実現する。







Majored in information engineering at the Faculty of Science and Technology, National Defense Academy

Tokyo Institute of Technology Graduate School of Integrated Science and Engineering Department of Intelligent Systems Science Conducted research on models related to conceptual manipulation in the brain and obtained a master's degree

Entered the doctoral course and researched evolutionary psychology, logic, psychology, mathematics, etc., and withdrew after completion of the course.

Involved in missile research and development and project management at the Ministry of Defense Technology Research Headquarters (Defense Equipment Agency).

He was involved in the budget explanation of the Ministry of Finance, joint research and development between Japan and the United States, the administration of ground equipment, research on how to fight infantry, etc., and retired as a second lieutenant colonel.

The purpose of my life, Shigemi Sawa,

True AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), that is, to create something called general artificial intelligence, like Doraemon or Astro Boy.

For this purpose, two things other than existing technology are necessary.

●Philosopherically understand what is happening in the human brain, clarify its principle, and make it possible to map it to a von Neumann computer.

●Establish an algorithm for estimating the state of the brain at the next time using a correlation discovery algorithm based on machine learning from the big data of the brain.

For this reason, we will develop a BMI (Brain Machine Interface), embed it in my brain in 2025 and repeat the experiment to create a BMI Network Infrastructure (BNI) to achieve the following.

● Take out the big data of brain activity, which is said to be the last big data, and apply it to various research

● A certain electrical signal generates an introspection in which a certain sound (voice) is heard in the brain, and one million books can be read at any time, 365 days a year. In other words, build a brain that can hear the desired answer.

●The on/off pattern of the switch in the brain creates a situation in which custom-made medical treatment is possible using self-derived chemical substances such as melatonin and growth hormone.

●Provide the infrastructure that forms the basis of basic income.

●Release mankind from the anguish of not being able to remember or recall, shift brain function to the joy of thinking, dramatically improve mankind's productivity, and improve the happiness of mankind as a whole.

● Contribute to research and development of AGI and breakthroughs in philosophical research. 

概要 Outline




















必要な情報をその場で脳に教えられるシステム。言い換えるなら、 100万冊の本を同時に持ち歩き好きなところから読み始められる。つまり答えの聞こえてくる脳をもち、1000人の専門家が秘書となって、望みさえすれば、声を聞かせてくれ、その声を聞かないこともできる自由。









The central pin of providing value to humanity is to reduce troublesomeness.

In other words, to advance technology.


Do you have a mobile phone now?


Thirty years ago there were no mobile phones.


What is something that doesn't exist now that everyone will own at least one in 30 years?

That is the BMI (Brain Machine Interface) network infrastructure that will become the foundation of our lives beyond the Internet.

A system that can teach the brain the necessary information on the spot. In other words, you can carry around a million books at once and start reading wherever you like. In other words, having a brain that can hear the answer, 1000 experts will be secretaries, and if they wish, they will listen to their voices, and the freedom to not listen to their voices.

Even if you are talking to someone, you can get more accurate and detailed information than the other person before the other person finishes talking. Ordinary people become superhumans. A person's work is to think from memorizing and researching.

Also, BMI is the beginning and then comes

AGI: Artificial General Intelligence

BMI: brain implant chip

CBI: Basic Income

DSI: Drone Infrastructure

is the underlying technology for 

概要 Outline

BMI:Brain Machine Interface

〜人類アップデート プロジェクト〜
Business explanation material
~Humanity Update Project~
Freedom supported by 1000 secretaries 

All value to humanity comes
 from the "brain" with no exception.

Realizing the prosperity of humankind where all people can enjoy comfort and freedom
For this reason,
Create a global company from Japan that surpasses GAFA and BATH,
Realizing world peace led by Japan
For this reason,
Development and operation of artificial general intelligence (AGI)
For this reason,
for extracting and developing brain big data

Development and operation of Brain Machine Interface (BMI), a new platform that surpasses the invention of the Internet

All values for mankind are generated from the "brain" without one exception. 



【Future 2030】
・The research is completed in my head
・"Memory test" disappeared
・Think about human work
・More comfortable and free life
・Free for intractable diseases/disabilities
・Use your own medicine
Custom medicine
・Further promotion of philosophy and science

・非接触充電 qi
・無線通信 Wi-Fi BLE
・SSD, Internet接続
・Non-contact charging qi
・Wireless communication Wi-Fi BLE
・Invasive tip
・SSD, Internet connection
・Automatic input/output pattern control


・Information can be entered as voice or intuition
・Internal view can be output as digital signal

Shigemi SAWA Recent Reports

Shigemi SAWA Recent Reports 近況情報共有↓


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東京銀座公演:約3,000人が干渉した舞台演劇『ちはやぶる神の国」〜異聞・本能寺の変〜(わたくし澤繁実(さわ しげみ)主演で織田信長公)ほとんどの方が泣いた。
【特設サイト】 https://saipon.jp/h/sawa/s

Tokyo Ginza performance: Approximately 3,000 people participated in the stage play ``Chihayaburu God's Country'' ~Ibun/Honnoji Incident~ (starring Shigemi Sawa as Nobunaga Oda: Japanese Napoleon ).Most people cried.

アホ街ック天国 鬼マムシ澤繁実

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【過去最高偏差値】アホ街ック天国 鬼マムシ澤繁実(さわ しげみ)出演 Wakatte.TV に出演させていただきました!30万人の方(Youtube Shortでは77万人)が見てくださったようです。

[Highest deviation score ever] Idiot Street Heaven I appeared on Wakatte.TV starring Oni Viper Shigemi Sawa! Apparently 300,000 people watched it.  
青山落語倶楽部 大成功!

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落語家 鬼マムシ澤繁実(さわ しげみ)として、落語池袋公演 満員御礼76席完売 青山落語倶楽部 桂歌助(かつら うたすけ)師匠 田中琢磨さん

Sacred Serpent Shigemi SAWA Tokyo, Ikebukuro RAKUGO Japanese Performance. 76 seats sold out Aoyama Rakugo Club Katsura Utasuke Master and Takuma Tanaka
縄文ホツマ塾 広報大使 アンバサダー 論語と算盤大賞受賞

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縄文ホツマ→ https://jomonhotsuma.right-road.net
縄文ホツマ塾 広報大使 アンバサダー澤繁実(さわ しげみ) 論語と算盤大賞受賞! 青淵渋沢栄一翁顕彰会

Jomon Hotsuma Juku Public Relations Ambassador Shigemi Sawa won the Analects and Abacus Grand Prize! Aobuchi Shibusawa Eiichio Honoring Party

白洲次郎氏の婿 牧山圭男(まきやま よしお)氏

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講師:旧白洲邸 武相荘館長 牧山圭男(まきやま よしお)氏

It was a rare opportunity to welcome Mr. Keio Makiyama, director of the former Shirasu residence "Buaisou", and hear stories about "Jiro Shirasu and Masako's life and post-war life" that we don't usually hear! ^^
Location: Sanshu Club (105 years of tradition)
Lecturer: Mr. Yoshio Makiyama, director of the former Hakushu residence Buaisou
Title: “What I learned from Jiro and Masako Shirasu, who I saw up close”
Africa Japan Night 2023 in Happoen Tokyo 八芳園

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アフリカジャパンナイト2023を澤繁実(さわ しげみ)主催、プレスリリースで大成功!!10カ国の大使関係者が参加して、来年の国際アフリカデー5/25に行う、1万人規模のイベントの協力を取り付けてきました。一緒に人生のステージを上げ続けていきましょう!!いっしょにやってみたい方は教えてください!

Africa Japan Night 2023 ended with great success! We have secured cooperation for an event for 10,000 people to be held on May 25th next year, International Africa Day, with the participation of ambassadors from 10 countries. Let's continue to raise the stage of life together! ! You conect me, if you want to do with me!!

澤繁実 なんでも売れる相手のYesを引き出す原理原則【チャンネル鬼マムシ(おにまむ)】

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竹之内教博(たけのうち ゆきひろ)社長と五つ星マカオのカジノホテルのスイートルームにて、困難な問題に打ち勝つためのミーティングで一晩を明かす。In a suite room at a five-star casino hotel in Macau with President Yukihiro Takenouchi, he spends the night in a meeting to overcome difficult problems.

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あるチャンスを掴むため、すべての予定を変更して、香港とマカオへ。自分が今いるべき場所に徹底的にこだわる。なぜなら、そこにいるだけで、特段の努力がなくても、起こるべきことが起こり、然るべき体験と経験を手に入れることができる。マカオの最高級寿司屋(一部屋3時間約60万円)でのゴチバトルに著名人と参加!しかし、居心地は悪くない。^ ^  寿司2巻で〇〇万円!!(写真はウニと炙り)ここに辿り着くまでに、わたくしが手に入れた考え方は、自由にアイデンティティをインストールする方法^ ^

I changed all my plans and went to Hong Kong and Macau to seize a chance. Focus on where you are right now. This is because, just by being there, without any special effort, the things that should happen will happen, and you will be able to gain the right experiences and experiences. Participate with celebrities in a gochi battle at Macau's finest sushi restaurant (approximately 600,000 yen per room for 3 hours)! But it's not uncomfortable. ^ ^ 2 rolls of sushi for 000,000 yen! ! (The picture is sea urchin and broiled.) By the time I got here, the idea I got was how to install an identity freely ^ ^

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 千本倖生(せんもと さちお)最強の経営戦略セミナー
出会っていただいたお蔭様でわたくしのステージも上昇し、最近、大きな成長をとげましたので、近況報告です!!KDDIの共同創業者でYモバイル創業者ある千本倖生(せんもと さちお)さんの出版記念イベントの主催者の一人になりました。一人でも多く集客できれば、わたくしのステージもさらに上昇し、より多くの恩を返せるようになります。いや!返してまいります!内容も最強!!なので、どうか、どうか、わたくしめを何卒「男にしてあげて」ください!おねがいします!
Sachio Senmoto's Strongest Management Strategy Seminar
Thanks to meeting you, my stage has also risen, and recently I've achieved great growth, so here's a recent update! ! I became one of the organizers of the publication commemorative event of Sachio Senmoto, co-founder of KDDI and founder of Y-mobile. If I can attract as many customers as possible, my stage will rise further, and I will be able to return more favors. no! We will return! The content is also the strongest! ! So, please, please, please "make me a man"! please!


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Wine (Wain) Association information has been updated. Would you like to spend the best night with sommelier-selected wine, home-cooked food, and my special story at a place overlooking Tokyo Bay?

龍に乗るワイン(和員)会 Shigemi SAWA's Wine Party

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超豪華企画!映画を観て、そのまま、監督や出演者、プロデューサーと飲みに行こう企画! え?!そんなことができるんですか?→出来ます!やっちゃいます!
我々の映画「#December #赦し」 明日3/18(土)に渋谷 #ユーロスペース で初日舞台挨拶行ってきました!

映画「December 赦し(ゆるし)」 https://yurushi-movie.com

出演:#尚玄 #松浦りょう #MEGUMI #生津徹 #藤森慎吾 (オリエンタルラジオ) #川口高志 #真矢ミキ #山下貴裕プロデューサー ●わたくしや友人も出演中!


Our movie “#December #Forgiveness” will have a stage greeting on the first day tomorrow, March 18th (Sat) at #Eurospace in Shibuya! If you haven't bought your ticket yet, please do so soon. It will be sold out soon!
Indian director Anshul Chauhan draws a world view with a gorgeous cast
ladies and gentlemen! thank you!
The official Japanese website for our movie "December Forgiveness" https://yurushi-movie.com (released nationwide on March 18th) page is now available!
The names of me and my friends who grabbed the chance are listed as Deka Deka! ! Ryo Matsuura, who is the actual main character of this movie, is too amazing! ! Photos don't do it justice! Well, it's time to head to Hollywood. ^^

●トレイラー(予告編)→ https://youtu.be/FeqS52WmrGk

↑主演のMariko Ledesmaさん。Youtube再生数約3400万回

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さて!!皆様!ありのままの素晴らし自分でいつづけると、毎日すごいことが起こり続けます!!世界のグレートスピーカー岡田真一(おかだ しんいち)さんと、わたくし鬼マムシ澤繁実(さわ しげみ)が携わる映画「Chameleon カメレオン」 がクランクイン(撮影開始)しました。


わたくしも、任侠役で出演するため、パンチパーマになってしまいました!カンヌ国際映画祭監督賞受賞のブリランテ・メンドーサ(Brillante Mendoza)監督の世界的映画に、トータル和服コーディネーターとして、和服、かつら、かんざし飾り、日本的仕草を包括的にコーディネートいたしました。そのほか、雪の設置、車揺らし、雪のエフェクト、現場のエキストラの士気高揚などでチームに貢献できました!山下貴裕プロデューサー、クリスマさん!ランカスター文江さん!岡田真一さん!ありがとうございます!

The film "Chameleon" has started shooting.
It is a film about LGBTQ that includes various values and contributes to world peace.

I also have a punch perm hear cut because I will be playing the role of a ninja! As a total kimono coordinator, we comprehensively coordinated kimono, wigs, kanzashi decorations, and Japanese gestures for the world-famous film directed by Brillante Mendoza, who won the Best Director Award at the Cannes Film Festival. In addition, I was able to contribute to the team by setting up snow, shaking the car, snow effects, and raising the morale of the extras on site! Producer Takahiro Yamashita, Chrisma! Mr. Fumie Lancaster! Mr. Shinichi Okada! thank you!

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Next is the Page of World Trip 

●アラブ主張国連邦:ドバイ ブルジュ・ハリファ、パーム・ジュメーラ、アブダビ

Travel around the world in first class. I have made friends with Arab royalty. I stayed abroad for about two months and saw the world through experiences that I could not have in Japan. I would like to share one by one.
[Main attractions]
●Korea: Busan International Film Festival Jisok Award nominee! Red carpet with famous actresses!
● USA: Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Rodeo Drive
●UK: Jockey Club, Dinner with Mr. Rothschild, Royal Automobile Club, Lecture at Cambridge University
● Poland: Auschwitz, Birkenau Concentration Camp, Warsaw Royal Palace
Slovakia: Bratislava, the capital
Austria: Vienna, the capital
●Czech Republic: Prague
-Germany: Potsdam training where the Botsdam Declaration was made, Wannsee Conference venue where ethnic genocide was decided, Berlin Wall, former Gestapo headquarters ruins, etc.
●Israel: Dead Sea Scrolls, Mary Annunciation Site, Society for the Nativity of Christ, Church of the Holy Sepulchre on Golgotha ​​Hill, Wailing Wall, etc. Haifa, Nazareth, Tiberias, Jericho, Qumran, Dead Sea, Eilat, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv
●Arab claiming states: Dubai Burj Khalifa, Palm Jumeirah, Abu Dhabi
●India: Mumbai (Bombay), Delhi 
● Kingdom of Thailand: Development and energy of Bangkok, movie appearance (coming soon) 


澤繁実100 仏僧 澤実真の仏事

州神社 西郷隆盛公 川上親誠 福昌寺跡 島津斉彬公 坊津秋目 鑑真大和上 興国寺跡 川上猛 ご鑑真記念館 先祖供養 お墓参りの旅 般若心経 虚空蔵菩薩真言(6分)


仏道(澤実真(さわ じっしん)My Buddhism Page→ https://saipon.jp/h/sawa/buddhism